Chapter 5

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As Hermione had predicted, Harry reached out to her about consulting on a case. However, she decided against changing and was sitting at Harry's desk in her Niffler slippers (a gift from James, Al, and Teddy) and her jim-jams.

She frowned down at the thick case files before her but glanced up when Harry came back.

Offering her a cup of coffee, he was still blushing furiously from his surprise drop-in visit to her flat.

Hermione clicked her tongue, nodding in thanks. "There are risks when you let yourself into my flat, Head Auror Potter."

Harry choked on his coffee and she leaned forward slightly to pat his back. "I just wasn't expecting to see McClaggan's dangly-bits this early in the morning."

"Would you have preferred later then?" she said, amused.


Hermione laughed, shaking her head, continuing her reading. 

Not risking anymore cock-blocks, she invited Cormac over for dinner at her flat. To her disappointment, Malfoy had been correct in his assumption of it being a "quick" shag, but it'd been decent enough.

He had no shame in front of Harry this morning, walking stark naked towards him to offer a handshake.

She fell off the bed from laughing so hard at her friend's embarrassment.

"No suspects?" she inquired, chewing her bottom lip while looking at the pictures of the missing Muggleborns.

Harry sighed, taking his glasses off and pressing his palms against his eyes. "None. Everyone we've looked into - girlfriends, husband's - all have alibis."

"It's interesting that there doesn't seem to be a specific type," she said aloud, flipping through.

"That's what Malfoy said," sighed Harry, and Hermione shifted uncomfortably in Harry's chair.

"Any pattern?" she asked with a frown, looking at the one child of the six who've disappeared.

Harry opened his mouth but his office door opened with Malfoy appearing in the doorway.

His lips twitched while taking in her slippers, but his expression was serious.

"A body has been found."

Harry cursed, reaching for his coat.



Both Harry and Hermione's jaws dropped.

Hogwarts was even more of a fortress now than ever before. The fact a body had gotten past all security measures was alarming.

"Do we know who it is?" asked Hermione, looking at the moving pictures.

"She's consulting on this one, Malfoy, just answer her."

Hermione looked up. Apparently Harry and Malfoy had been having a silent conversation in the doorway. She didn't realize they'd reached that level of comfortability.

"You think it wise to have the muggleborn war hero consulting on something like this?" said Malfoy coldly, not looking at her.

Hermione scoffed, crossing her arms, however Harry now looked apprehensive, turning towards her. "Think you can hold off on any... sleepovers while helping out on this case? Tighten up your wards?"

Hermione smirked. "Sure."

Harry's cheeks reddened and Malfoy looked between them both with annoyance.

"Go on, Harry. Give me more time to look through these files. Who was it that they found, Auror Malfoy?"

Malfoy still looked disapproving but another look from Harry had him coming clean. "Justin Finch-Fletchley."

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