Pokemon emergancy part 2

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We soon make it to the center. Ash and I hand over our Pokémon to Nurse Joy. Pikachu is sent to critical care while Izuku and Morro get treated with the usual checkup.

"What are your names?" Nurse Joy asks us.

"I'm Jordan, and this is Ash. We're both from Pallet town. Pikachu belongs to Ash, and the Bulbasaur and Pidgey belong to me." I explain.

Ash shoots forward. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Ash asks.

"You can be more responsible. If you want to become a Pokémon Trainer, young man, you don’t let your Pokémon battle till it’s in this condition." Nurse Joy scolds Ash.

"He didn't mean to. He was chased by a flock of Spearow and Pikachu was just protecting him," I explain to the nurse, a little unsure that she would believe me.

"Oh, my apologies," says the nurse, surprisingly. "thank you for clearing that up. Now we just have to heal you Pikachu and your other two Pokémon."

"Is Izuku ok? He didn't look so good" I ask.

Nurse Joy makes a friendly gesture. "Everything is ok. He's just a bit disoriented from the lighting and the storm. He should make a full recovery in no time." Nurse Joy tells me with a smile.

I sigh in relief. Izuku is gonna be ok. I remind myself. Not even one day into my journey and things are already making my anxiety shoot up.

"What can I do?" Ash asks again.

"Just leave everything to me. You two can relax for now." Nurse Joy says. "You got it here just in time," She says to Officer Jenny.

"Yep. It's what I do." The officer salutes in response.

I turn away. Yeah, she did get here fast but I don't think my stomach can handle that ride again.

Ash decides to call his mom while we wait. I know, Team Rocket is going to strike soon.

Not long after that, I hear Nurse Joy over the intercom. "Will Jordan, please come to the counter. Your Pokemon are ready."

Wow, that was fast. I walk over and she has a tray with one pokéball on it while Izuku is napping. "Your Bulbasaur and Pidgey are all healed up," says Nurse Joy with her trademark smile.

I sigh in relief though I know Nurse Joy is the best at what she does, but I still can't help but be worried. "Thanks so much, Nurse Joy," I say grabbing Morro's pokéball.

"No need to thank me. It's my job and my pleasure to help out Pokémon in need" She says. She walks off to attend to other duties.

I make my way over to a cushioned area to let Morro out and wake up Izuku They look healthy like they were never hurt in the first place. "Oh man. What happened?" Izuku says looking around.

"You passed out is what happened, Spots."MMorro says.

I pick up Izuku and hug him "I'm so glad you're ok, Izuku. You scared me." I say. It was like a weight came off of me. Not like a weight of responsibility, I still felt that. More like a weight of uncertainty.

"Sorry that I scared you. I guess that lightning did more to me than I thought," he says looking down. He traces something across the ground.

"Yeah you should have seen her. She was worried sick for ya," Morro says before jumping up on the cushion beside me.

"Yeah," I confirm. "you guys are my friends I would hate for anything to happen to you guys," I say patting them both on their heads. They both appear to blush in sheer embarrassment. Izuku shuts his eyes tight, and Morro looks away.

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