Offended In American

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Y/N started a new chat

Y/N added Natasha


Y/N- I want to meet your sister.

Nat- Why?

Y/N- Do I need a reason?

Nat- uh, yeah

Y/N- Well, my reason is, because I want to meet your sister

Nat- You have a thing for Assassins that could kill you with a crayon... No

Y/N- Rude..

Clint joined the chat

Clint- Y/N! I have someone who wants to meet you!

Y/N- Is it Nat's sister?

Clint- No, but if you could take her off my hands for a while, that'd be great.

Clint- You're like, her other idol.

Y/N- Send her in, bird brains

Clint- Thank God!!!

Clint added Kate Bishop

Clint- Have fun

Clint left the chat

Y/N changed Kate Bishop's nickname to Kate

Kate- Omg hi

Y/N- Sup. You annoy Clint so you're already good in my book

Kate- Really??

Kate- Wow

Kate- This is amazing, I can't believe it

Kate- This isn't real-

Y/N- you better believe it, darling

Y/N- It's very real

Nat- My sisters mentioned you, Kate

Kate- She has? I thought she hated me

Nat- She hates most people


Nat- NO Y/N





Kate added Yelena

Nat- How do you even have her number?



Kate- She tried to kill me once.

Yelena- I did not try to kill you

Kate- You did

Yelena- Did not

Y/N- If she was going to kill you, you'd be dead

Kate- ....

Y/N- I'm just saying

Yelena- Thank you! Americans always want to think someone's killing them

Kate- *Offended in American*

Y/N- Well some of us couldn't even go to school without the place being shot up

Y/N- So

Kate- Good point

Nat- That's how Y/N met the team, actually

Kate- Really?

Y/N- Yeah, the shooter was an ex of mine so of course they brought me in for questioning and found out about my powers

Y/N- Next thing you know, I'm an Avenger and my face is plastered on anything and everything

Y/N- We buy eachother our respective merch for fun. 10/10 recommend

Yelena- I like you

Y/N- Everyone does <3

I added 2 new characters! I love Yelena and Kate so much. At first I thought I wouldn't like Kate, but after 1 episode of Hawkeye she grew on me. I've always loved Yelena.

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