Pietro | It's Always...🐀

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Y/N created a new chat room

Y/N added Pietro

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never BWTHHYBL

Pietro- It's always 'wyd' never YLMOPBOH

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never ITF

Pietro- It's always 'wyd' never STLFILWTL


Pietro- WASML

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never HYLTRG

Pietro- It's always 'wyd' never YAMLN

Y/N- Wait that one was actually kinda cute

Y/N- Anyway

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never DIDY

Pietro- You do every day :)

Y/N- Ew

Pietro:  D:



Pietro- Ew

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never YRSSAFM

Pietro- It's always 'wyd' never ILYMTAITWC

Y/N- It's always 'wyd' never TITSOAK

Tony joined the chat

Tony- What the fuck

Tony added Peter

Steve joined the chat

Y/N- Steve doesn't like that kind of talk

Peter- LaNgUaGe

Pietro- HA old man

Steve- why do I even bother? It happened one time!!!

Tony- Whatever

Tony- Kid, what the hell did I join in on?

Peter- Oh. They were speaking rat Mr. Stark

Steve- Translation?

Y/N- Bella where the hell have you been Loca

Pietro- You're like my own personal brand of heroin

Peter- It's the fluorescents

Pietro- So the lion fell in love with the lamb

Y/N- what a stupid lamb

Peter- What a sick, masochistic lion

Y/N- How you likin' the rain girl?

Steve- It's not even raining????

Tony- They're quoting twilight 🙄

Pietro- You are my life now

Y/N- Do I dazzle you?

Peter- You really should stay away from me

Peter- Mood tho

Y/N- Ikr

Pietro- I love you more than anything in this world combined

Steve- That one's cute

Peter- It's nasty

Y/N- You're nasty

Tony- You're all adopted

Peter- Offensed

Y/N- This is the skin of a killer *Violently sparkles with sexy brooding expression*

Pietro- He's not even that sexy princessa

Peter- He doesn't even go here 💅


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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