Chapter 14

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While a part of me felt good that I could finally have a proper meltdown after forcing myself to remain calm for as long as I did, it didn't do me much good and it left me more panicked. As much as I cried, and as exhausted as it left me, I didn't sleep afterwards. I never planned to.

Dana was a killer. Eli was a killer. Alex was a killer before he was murdered. Two of the closest people in my life were probably covered in someone else's blood at one point. The thought alone made me nauseous.

Even though my door was locked, I felt like it wasn't enough protection, so I pushed a small stand in front of it so I would hear something in case I accidentally fell asleep. A part of me wanted to go to Dad and Keith's house just so I could relax and rest, but it was late. Plus, I didn't want them asking questions about why I was crying, and I knew that they would. Lastly, I was sure that I wouldn't be able to sleep regardless.

This is fucking insane. They're basically assassins. How are each of them not in jail yet? I'm supposed to work with these people when they could turn around and kill me too? I thought. Though Eli told me I could back out as long as I kept the secret, I didn't believe it.

One wrong move, and I could be the masked killer's next victim. Another wrong move, and I could be this "study group's" next victim. I was stuck, and the only way out was to pretend that it wasn't happening until I'm able to leave.

The realization hit me, and I looked over at my laptop. Leave. Transfer. I opened it up, went to the website for Brookside State University, -- a gorgeous private school in San Diego -- sat at my desk and started filling out the application.


It was close to five in the morning when I finished the application, including all essays for it. I looked it over once more, then submitted it along with my current transcript. I hoped that it would be enough. Besides, waiting for the university's decision to come in the mail would give me something to look forward to.

I pulled out my notebook and started writing more things about the case into it. I crossed out the names Adryan Kells, Patricia Myers, Eva Freeman and Emmett Daniels.

I recalled the sadness on the group's faces when Alex was mentioned. They seemed hurt that he was murdered, and the guilt on Eli's face was too raw to be staged. He tried to save him.


Flipping to another page, I started writing about everything else I heard from the group. The masked killer murdered Derek Stevens, Ace Hemmings, Alex and Professor Anderson because of a pattern that Alex started.

Either someone was watching Alex closely while he worked, or that someone was working with him.

Dana and Eli's study group targets people that have committed some sort of horrific act. The masked killer seems to only target people that attend Silver Meadow. They're applying Alex's pattern to the university. Either it's senseless violence, or they're speaking up for people who aren't able to speak. A lot of crazy things both told and untold have happened here and still happen.

A string of secrets connected the masked killer to the victims, and most of them were right on campus. If what Eli and the others said was true, then discovering Alex's secrets would lead me right to the killer.

Then what? Dana and the others kill them?

A part of me knew it was wrong to let that happen, but at the same time, this killer took Alex from me. But Alex himself was a killer. Even if he killed bad people, he was still wrong. I shouldn't want revenge. If I get to the masked killer before the study group does, then I'll call the police so they can be arrested.

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