Chapter 2:This assasin is annoyingly persistent!

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Kumagawa has gone around town for some time now. Finnaly, he decided to adress a question to Emilia.

Kumagawa:[Say, Emilia-chan.]


Kumagawa:[We've walked around for some time now, you actually know where we should go?]

Emilia:...Not really. I hoped we'd be lucky enough to encounter her by now.

Kumagawa:[That's impossible. She was wearing poor clothing, more like rags. If she stole something, she needs money. We should look for a more poor area. Certainly not here.]

Emilia:Ah, the slums than!

Kumagawa:[Slums? I see, that's most likely.]

He's not really surprised there exists a place like the slums here. Although it may be a fantasy world, there are certain bad parts. A medieval era lacks the organization the modern world has, there would surely be criminals running rampant and dominant proverty.

The slums were what he expected. Wood houses, close to breaking apart. Dirty water and the people weren't that much enthusiastic about hygiena either.

Emilia approached two poor men. They were both perplexed to see people like Emilia and Kumagawa around here.

Emilia:Excuse me, we're looking for a girl.

Man 1:And? Why should we...

Man 2:Hey, calm down! Thus girl, hiw does she look like.

Kumagawa:[Petite. Blonde hair. Red eyes. Looks like the type that'd kick you in the balls if you piss her off enough.]

Man 2:Ah! That's Felt, alright. She lives in a bar diwn from here.

Emilia:Thank you.

They both continued their way to the indicated area. However, Puck had news to tell them.

Puck:I need to go.

Kumagawa:[Hm? What happened?]

Puck:For a great spirit like me to matterialize it needs a lot of mana,you know? Lia, call me if you're in danger.

Emilia:Yes. Thank you, Puck.

Puck vanished in a light. They made iddle chatter while walking.

Emilia:I'm surprised you actually helped me.

Kumagawa:[Hm, is there a reason I shouldn't?]

Emilia:Most people prefer to avoid me because of my resemblance with the witch of envy.

Kumagawa:[Never heard of her.]

Emilia:Ah, Adelheide-san mentioned you were a foreinger. Although, even so you should've heard of her.

Kumagawa:[Well, my place is very isolated from the other countries around here.]

Emilia:I see. Well, there's also...this.

Emilia moved her hair away to show her human lenghted but sharp ears. Kumagawa scratched his chin in interes.

Kumagawa:[Eh, that's interesting.]

Emilia:...Interesting? That's the first time someone put it this way.

So elfs also exist here. He wonders if that's also the case with dark elves. He's interesed for...certain reasons.

Anyway, this witch of envy is important information. He doubts disembodied hand just drag anyone in another world. And this witch of envy sounds to be a pretty powerful existence if people avoid Emilia just become of that, maybe powerful enough to do such a thing as transporting people to this world.

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