004: College! The Girl of Ice and the Boy of Fire

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(location: Teora castle)

Gwain: ok, so far, your training has gone smoothly.

Iron: no kidding, I've gotten better at aiming with my X-buster!

Lanney: and Master Geo has become a master with his Z saber.

(Geo nods)

Gwain: but you'll still need to be careful.
In Teora, humans are a bit different here.
If you attempt to swim without the proper equipment, you'll sink like a rock and you might drown.

(Iron and Geo go pale)

Model X(X): relax, you two.
I'm sure it won't come to that.

Iron: if you say so,X...

Gwain: in any case, I've enrolled you both into the college Ami attends.
You'll need to be by her side if you're going to protect her.

(Geo and Iron nod)

(Later... On the way to the college)

Iron: College huh?
Still feels like yesterday when we graduated high school, huh Geo?

(Geo nodded)

Ami: ?

Iron: long story, Ami.

(Ami looks forward and sees someone and waves)

???: Ami, who are these two?

Iron: we're her bodyguards.
It's a long story, and you are?

???: name's Deva, I'm a friend of Ami.

(Another person walks up to Iron and Geo and creates a ball of fire)

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(Another person walks up to Iron and Geo and creates a ball of fire)

???: Hey scum! They're under my protection! If you want to do anything to them, you'll have to pass me first!

(The three stare at each for for a while until Deva pushes ???'s head down)

Deva: Easy,Superman, they're Ami's bodyguards, Be polite...

???: What's up,Buds?


Iron: so, your name's Agni?

Agni: correct, Deva's my cousin.

Agni: correct, Deva's my cousin

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