005: Challenge! Luna vs Reborn Hunters!

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(location: Gwain College, Courtyard)

Iron(X): Yah!!!

(Iron fires Multiple charge shots at the robots)

Geo(Zero): Seiya!!!!

(Geo slashes through countless robots)

Iron: they just keep coming!

(Iron nearly gets hit by a robot only for a energy arrow to stop it!)

Iron(X): Huh?!

(Ami would be holding her Accessory which would be in a bow form!)

(Ami would be holding her Accessory which would be in a bow form!)

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Iron(X): I owe you one, Ami.

(Ami smiles at Iron)


Geo(Zero): [could use a hand here!]

(Deva freezes multiple robots)

Deva: granted.

(Unknown to the group, something was watching them, specifically watching the two cousins)

???: They seem worthy of our aid.

???: Seems like it, Fairy.
Wait, is that Model Z?!
It's been a while, Zero....

???: Wait, Zero?!
We still owe him for taking down that dangerous reploid built by Weil...
Let's do it.

(The two float off in Blue and Red colors toward the college)

Agni: these things are never ending!

Deva: we could use a hand...

???: (We'll help with that...)

???: (Just yell Megamerge!)

(Deva and Agni nod at each other and shout...)

Agni & Deva: Megamerge!

??? & ???: Biolink, established! R.o.c.k. system online!

(Agni transforms!)

(Agni transforms!)

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Agni(???): No way... My power is surging, my soul is burning, and this magma is overflowing! I'll let my passion burn and crush you!

???: (Good words partner, I am Model F! But you may call me... Fefnir
Agni(Fefnir): Fighting Fefnir?

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