010: Stolen Power? Attack of the Psudoroid!

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(elsewhere in Area F...)

Iron(Zx): Jeez there are so many flames!
I think I'm burning up from the heat!

Agni(Fefnir): it's not that bad.

Iron(Zx): to be fair,you have a Biometal that's adapted to the heat and fire.

Agni(Fefnir): Fair point.

???: Megamen! I was expecting a challenge!!

(A reploid of some kind drops down!)

Iron(Zx): well, you're an interesting reploid

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Iron(Zx): well, you're an interesting reploid.

???: I am no ordinary reploid,Child!
I am Fistleo! One of Master Serpent's Psudoroids!

Iron(Zx): Psudoroids?

Fistleo: *sigh* in short, Reploids with the power of a Biometal infused into them.

Iron(Zx): ah, thanks.

Fistleo: I was awaiting your arrival, I heard of the legendary warrior Zx had been born and I desired to test your strength! So serpent used the data acquired from Model F while gaining the passwords to strengthen my power! Though I was not expecting that warrior to be a child.

Iron(Zx): *slightly annoyed* just for the record, I literally graduated highschool and am attending college.

Fistleo: enough! I caused that fire to draw you out! Now, there are two Megamen standing before me!
Now...Let us see who is stronger!
The Megamen or the psudoroid?!


(Iron draws his Saber and slashes at Fistleo)

Fistleo: take this!

(Fistleo unleashes a bunch of fireballs!)

Iron(Zx): Yipes!

(Iron counters with a charged buster shot and it strikes the head dealing immense damage!)

Prairie: (coms) Iron, Be careful where you target a psudoroid!

Iron(Zx): hold on,I gotta take this.

Iron(Zx): how come, Prairie?

Prairie: (coms) hitting their weak point might do a lot of damage but you risk damaging the Biometal data!
From now on avoid hitting that area.

Iron(Zx): Very well, over and out.

(Iron exits coms system and continues to attack Fistleo, this time not targeting his head)

Fistleo: Grrrrrr!!!! Dorya!!

(Fistleo punches iron into the wall causing him to revert back into base form)

Iron: ugh...

[EXE Visor: HP:5/100]
[Status: DANGER!]

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