011: Invited! A call from another queen...

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(location: Gwain College cafeteria)
(Time: a few hours after the defeat of Fistleo)

Iron: that mission was tough, I'm still a little tired...

Agni: relax,bro, it wasn't that bad.

Iron: to be fair, your element is literally fire.

Agni: valid point.

Lanney: seems like you guys went through a lot.

Iron: you have no idea.

Marlow: in any case, I'm curious,why do you sit by this end of the cafeteria?

Deva: don't you know how the food chain goes?
Like every school,Social status dictate the rules, and shockingly we're at the lower end.

Marlow: Why is that?

Agni: Let me explain it to you simply.
You have the girl with the strange sickness many think is contagious.

(Iron puts on a facemask only for Deva to remove it)

Deva: it's not like that at all,Iron.

Iron: sorry, bad memories.

Agni: A temperamental, hybrid,water/ice witch.
Bread girl who doesn't know what her element is.
And the weird guy that attracts destruction,big-ass robots & mavericks.

Deva: What about the idiot who creeps into the ladies' room to take pictures?

Deva: What about the idiot who creeps into the ladies' room to take pictures?

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Agni: Yeah, whatever happened to him?

Marlow: so who is at the top?

(A girl enters the cafeteria)

(A girl enters the cafeteria)

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Deva: Electra.

Iron: (thinking) she looks like a spoiled rich girl.

???: Comin' through! The birthday girl will be handing out invites to her birthday party.

(They hand out invites to certain students and Marlow and Ami get one each, with Marlow handing hers to Iron)

Marlow: you go with Ami.

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