009:Burning City! Blustering Cyclone!

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???: Alright, the party preparations are all ready, Electra...
The music, the snacks and the non-alcoholic punch are all set, as you requested, only thing left is the guest list.

???: Are you going to invite the Princess Ami?

(Elsewhere,in the skies above Teora...)

Iron: What a View!!!!

???: I don't blame you, the view from up here is amazing.

Iron: uh, who are you?

???: Oh right, you never introduced yourself to the others.

???: I'm Vent, I use to be a transporter before I was recruited by Prairie, she speaks pretty fondly of you

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???: I'm Vent, I use to be a transporter before I was recruited by Prairie, she speaks pretty fondly of you.

???: Let me guess, as if she has taken a liking to the Model Zx user?

Vent: oh,boss! I didn't see you approach!

???: So, you're the Megaman Zx I've heard about, my name is Girouette, but I prefer to be called Giro.

???: So, you're the Megaman Zx I've heard about, my name is Girouette, but I prefer to be called Giro

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Giro: I help out the guardians, but I do run a delivery service on the side.

Iron: interesting...

Giro: I heard from Queen Gwain that you're a human.

Iron: (gasps)

Giro: you're fine, I'm sure not all humans are evil, after all you and Geo proves that.

(Iron looks down a mix of happy and sad...)

Vent: uh....I don't know if you know but....

Giro: oooooh.... Sorry for your loss, Iron.

Iron: it's alright.

(Later, above area F, on the airship...)

Prairie: we've received word a dangerous psudoroid has been causing havoc in Area F.
Buildings have caught fire and civilians are trapped, Deva, I'll need you to use model L to put out the fires.
Agni,Iron, you two will find out who is causing this mess.
Marlow, Ami, you'll provide first aid to any injuries civilians, Move out!

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