Chapter two

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By lunch break I had almost slept in class, apparently so had Marinette, although she actually did sleep. I started walking out of the school, ready to have lunch at home. I started walking down the stairs when Nino caught up to me.

"Hey dude." He said.

"Hey." I said tiredly,

 You're not having a school lunch?" Nino asked, pointing his thumb back at the school.

"No, Father expects me to have lunch at home every day." I grumbled,

"Your dad needs to chill, you have enough weight on your shoulders."

I nodded in agreement, Nino didn't know about Chat Noir, nobody did, and it was bad enough with all these expectations from Father. Although, with how much food he gives me, I might go eat at home then come back early and eat here.

(A/N: #GiveAdrienFood)

"I'll come back early." He said, the bodyguard's car pulled up, "See you later, Nino!"

"Cya dude." He said, I walked down the steps and got in the car. I stared out the window while I rode in the car. When we arrived at the Agreste Mansion I thanked Gorilla and got out. 

I walked in and headed to the dining room where Nathalie had already put my food on the table. There wasn't anyone in the room so Plagg dashed out of my jacket and ate the whole lunch, the whole lunch was one piece of camembert.

I sighed and barely heard Plagg munching on the cheese as I gazed at the other side of the table where Father sat although he rarely ate with his own son. I suddenly felt a rush of anger, his father was being selfish, as always, this isn't new. It took me a minute to calm down before I was able to relax in the chair.

"You okay, kid?" Plagg asked,

"Yeah," I lied, I got up. "Let's go back to school."

"I need more camembert, I'm getting some from your room." He argued then flew out, I sat back down, how much cheese did he need?

About ten minutes later I started getting worried, why would Plagg need ten minutes just to get his stupid cheese? 

Suddenly my pocket started buzzing, I reached for my back pocket and took out my phone. The screen read Marinette, I silently wondered why she would be calling. I pressed the answer button.

"Hey Marinette, do you need something?" I asked, my friend answered, but she was so muffled I could barely hear her.

"Adrien? A- are you at- at the school?" She asked, stuttering. I was used to it so I didn't say anything.

"No..." I said, "I'm at my house. Something wrong?"

"N- no, meet me at the Place des Vosges Park." Marinette said,

"Okay...?" I muttered as she hung up, Plagg swooped down with cheese in a bag. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, now go to school." He insisted, I nodded.

"We're stopping by the park first." I told him, before he could respond I snatched up my school bag and left the dining room and walked into the main room. I walked outside to see Gorilla sitting in the car. 

I opened the door and sat down, he started driving out of the mansion grounds. I didn't tell him thank you when I got out of the car, I was too worried about what Marinette needed. When the car drove away, I turned around and ran across the street towards the park.

I spotted her sitting on a bench, her back was turned. I calmly walked to her. "Hey, Marinette what is it?"

She turned around; her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. I dropped my bag immediately and sat on the bench. She fell onto my shoulder, crying. Where was Alya? Wouldn't she call her first?

I hugged her head, for some reason I was all the sudden protective of her. "What happened?"

"Lila..." She managed, "she told Alya that I hated her blog, that I said that Nino was horrible at being a DJ. And told everyone these lies."

"Everyone believed her?" I muttered, so many emotions washed through me, anger, bitterness, sadness and betrayal.

"N- not at first. Everyone stood against Lila. Then she took out a video, an edited video of me saying it. I denied it but the looks of disbelief on their faces, the hatred in their eyes..."

I growled silently, no one hurt princess. Suddenly Marinette pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I did- didn't mean to put this all on you." She stammered, her face all red.

"It's okay." I said, I was tempted to say, glad I didn't stay at school, so I didn't have to watch that cat-astrophe. But I didn't, my Chat Noir side would've shown. And I kinda wished I was there to be there for her.

I noticed that her earrings weren't on her ears. I looked around and I saw something shimmering on the ground, her earrings were on the floor. I grabbed them. "Are these yours Mari...?"

My voice trailed off when I saw her face. A symbol shone, the purple symbol of Shadow Moth. 

Princess Justice (Marinette Akumatized Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon