Chapter fifteen

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Marinette pulled away, blushing red. "Alya!"

"Adrien." Father said, "You ruined the chances of your mother coming back."

I stared at him, I wanted to drop onto my knees and cry, but Marinette put a hand on my shoulder. "Gabriel, there would be a consequence if you made that wish. Did you ever think about what that would be? It might be to resurrect a love one, Adrien might have died?"

I stared at the ground in shock, I never had thought about it like that. Father didn't answer her. I glanced around to see if I could find my ring. I spotted it next to Gabriel who wasn't paying attention to it. I tried to hobble over, but after a few steps my legs buckled, and I almost would've fallen over if Marinette hadn't caught me.

I felt myself blush, "Thanks, princess. I guess it was your turn to catch me."

She went red again, "Y- yeah, since you've caught me almost every time I fell." She paused, "What were you going for?"

I whispered in her ear so my father wouldn't hear me. "My ring is next to F- Gabriel."

"Oh, yeah, I'll get that for you." She promised, Marinette made sure I was holding onto something before she went and grabbed it. I looked at what I was leaning on. I was leaning on my mother's coffin. I gazed into my mothers closed eyes, he could've taken her to a hospital or something, but he didn't, and it was too late.

"Oh yeah." Alya said, "Spots off."

Tikki flew out of the earrings as Marinette came back with my ring, when she gave it back, I gave her the three miraculouses. Alya handed the earrings to Marinette. I put my ring on and Plagg appeared, clearly upset.

"Welcome back Plagg." I said,

"So, your fathers ShadowMoth?" He asked,

"Not now, later." I cut him off. Marinette giggled as Tikki hugged her cheek.

"Sorry Tikki, I didn't mean to get akumatized." She apologized,

"It's alright! As long as you're okay!" Her kwami answered,

"Plagg?" I asked, "Why can't you be like that?"

"Because; I'm more fun than sugarcube." He answered,

"I think Tikki is an amazing kwami." Marinette intervened. I looked at Chloe and Nino, they looked very confused.




Hope u enjoyed!

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