Chapter eleven

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"Ready?" She asked, I nodded. We cautiously walked across the bridge that connected the two platforms. I stopped when I saw two things hanging from the roof, it looked like two people.

I started running, not caring if I was caught. I made it to the other platform when I saw who it was. Nino and Chloe were being hung from the roof by white ribbons, when I saw they weren't gold I sighed with relief. Unfortunately, they were upside down. 

"Nino! Chloe!" I screamed, I rocketed up towards them. I grabbed Nino's ribbon that was wrapped around him from his shoulders down. They were both unconscious, personally I'd be surprised if they weren't if they were hung upside down like this.

"Where's Rena Rouge and Carapace?" I asked,

"You're as blind as my friend Adrien." Alya grumbled, I perked up at the sound of my name.

"What do you mean? I'm not- I mean I'm sure he's not blind." I argued.

"Pfft, a friend of his, has a crush on him and he hasn't even noticed, it's as clear as day that she does."

Of course, I knew this now, Marinette had told me before she got akumatized, "Maybe he's just got poor people skills."

"May- Watch out!" Alya warned, I turned around to see Princess Justice shooting a ribbon at me. I was unable to do anything as the ribbon went around my waist and yanked me away. "Chat!"

I hit the railing, I felt my leg break, I should've broken everything in my body, I would have to thank Plagg later.

"Hm..." I groaned as my attacker walked up to me, then I muttered so quietly only she could hear me. "Th- that hurt, Bugaboo."

"Well, well, well. He did come." She growled.

"Yes, he did." Someone said behind her. I saw ShadowMoth and smiled.

"Hiding in the Agreste Mansion, Hawky? Does Mr. Agreste know you're trespassing?" I asked,

"You haven't figured it out?" He muttered, "I am Gabriel Agreste."

"I know, I just had to make that joke." I chuckled, I tried to get up but flinched as I put weight on my left leg. I held onto the railing to prevent me from collapsing.

"Yes, kitty, try and fight it, but you are only delaying the inevitable!" Princess Justice exclaimed, I grabbed my staff and spun it around to shield me from the attack she unleashed.

"I'll leave him to you, Princess Justice." Hawky said as he fiddled with something in his hand, it was Carapace's miraculous. Wait, that meant Nino was Carapace, where was Rena Rouge? Was she somewhere else?

"Making your servant do your dirty work? Somehow I expected more!" I taunted. He ignored me, surprise, surprise.

I focused on the akuma. I hit her with my staff in the chest, she went flying backwards. I tried limping away, but she jumped at me, I moved aside so she hit the railing. I groaned in pain when I accidently used my broken leg. I needed help, where was Alya? I chucked my staff at the akuma who dodged, and her ribbon came at me, I dodged again but it unexpectedly followed me and looped around my body and pulled me off my feet. I screamed in pain as my leg hit the ground. The ribbon went around my wrist, pinning it to the ground, my other hand was pinned to my back, ribbons wrapped around my shoulders and my arm. She had one hand pinning my head to the floor and the other was pulling the ribbon tight, making sure I couldn't get out.

"Th- that's because you took me off guard. Let's go again, and I bet I'll beat you." I boasted, "Round three!"

"Chat Noir, you will lose, especially with that leg of yours." He said, "Are you sure you will win?"

"No, he won't, but I will." Alya said, coming out of nowhere.

"Alya Césaire, you lose your fox miraculous, so you go after Ladybugs." He said, "How predictable." I stared at her, she was Rena Rouge? She was right, I was completely blind.

"How dare you use my miraculous!" The akuma screamed. 

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