Chapter ten

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I turned in my chair and acted confused, "Who...?"

"I'm a temporary Ladybug until she gets back." She answered,

"Okay... Uh, why are you here?"

"Because I suspect your dad and you."

"Of what?" I said with a hint of anger,

"Being ShadowMoth." She answered, "And you helping him,"

"Father has been akumatized." I growled, "And it was because of me that he was." 

The growl had surprised me as much as it had surprised Alya, I didn't mean to do it.

"Because of you?" She asked,

"Yeah, I had snuck into his office and took a book." I muttered, "And I'm not the type of guy to help a villain."

Alya should have known this, she knows me better than my father does, which wasn't hard. "That's true, argh I'm an idiot! But you father kind of does seem the type to be him."

I didn't answer, Ladybug had explained why he did seem the type: 'Never leaves of his house, mysterious, neglects his own son, and look at his brand symbol, a butterfly.' 

I looked down at my shoe, the symbol on it looked like a butterfly, the tile floors in his office had the same symbol.

"Okay, you stay here, I need to find your father." Alya ordered,

"Wait!" I blurted, "In his office, my mother's portrait, it opens to a safe, its might be better to start there."

"Okay, thanks Agreste!" She said, she went out the window.

Plagg zoomed back over as tears started flowing down my cheeks, "Kid! What happened?"

"My father... Plagg, he might be ShadowMoth... I..."

"Adrien, there's a chance he might not be and Alya might be wrong." He reassured, I wiped my tears away and nodded.

"Let's go, we have a superhero to join. Claws out." I exclaimed, I jumped out the window after Alya. At that moment my staff started ringing. I opened it up and put it to my ear. "Did you find him?"

"Yeah, he's not working with or for anyone. I jumped to conclusions." Her voice came from the catphone.

"Great, I'll be over there in a second."

"Yea- hold up, what in the world...?" Alya muttered,

"Alya?" I said, when she didn't answer I raised my voice, "Alya!"

"S- sorry, yeah?" She answered, I exhaled in relief.

"What is it?"

"Come to the back of the Agreste Mansion." She ordered. 

I nodded and hung up. I launched myself over the mansion, I couldn't stop thinking about how my father could be the cause of all this. I misaimed and didn't land right and hit the roof with a loud THUD.

"Ow..." I groaned, come on Adrien, get yourself together, you can't act like this in front of anyone. I scolded myself, I got up and walked to the edge of the roof and landed beside Alya.

"Are you okay? I heard a thud." She asked,

"Yeah, I was distracted, that's all." I said, "What was the thing you wanted to show me?"

She turned to the building, I followed her gaze. A large circular window was on the side of the building, the only part that was open was the small window in the center. When did we get this? 

"Okay...? And?" I wondered.

"Doesn't that seem villain-y?" She asked,

I didn't answer for a moment, "Yeah, it does." I admitted. "Let's just get this over with."

She nodded, she jumped onto the window and peered inside. "C'mon then"

I went up to join her and followed her when she went through the window. It was dark but my night vision that came with my powers allowed me to see. There was a circle outlined in the middle of the room. Why did Father have this? I called Alya over.

"What do you think that does?" I asked, trying to keep myself from collapsing and crying my heart out.

She walked over, "I can't see." I forgot that she couldn't see. I pushed her into the circle, and it started going down. "Whoa, what in the world."

"Wait for me at the bottom." I said before she disappeared from view. 

When the thing came back up, I walked onto it. It took me down, I shut my eyes, I didn't want to see what was coming ahead. I wanted to curl up into a ball and leave this to Alya, but I couldn't. I needed to save Carapace, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Marinette. I needed to save them all. When I got to the bottom, I opened my eyes. 

I was in the second part of ShadowMoth's lair. I saw Alya to the right of me, her yo-yo spinning beside her. 

Cliffhanger 3 >:D

I'm having so much fun with these (attempted?) cliffhangers 

Princess Justice (Marinette Akumatized Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora