Chapter seven

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"It was that easy?" Queen Bee asked.

"Define 'easy'" I muttered, "We do make a paw-some team though."

"I'll make sure no civilians are hurt, since we don't have Ladybug." Rena Rouge said.

"Where is Ladybug anyway?" Carapace asked as the fox hero left.

"Uh... how are we gonna take care of the akuma?" I asked, trying to avoid Carapace's question. Out of nowhere a car hit me and I flew into a dumpster. "Ow..."

"What- aren't you suppose to be knocked out dudette?" Carapace asked. The car pinned me to the wall and the dumpster wasn't helping. The car leaned on my waist, and my arms were free. I tried pushing it away but I wasn't able to.

"It was easy to figure out what you were gonna do." She boasted, of course she knew, she was Ladybug. Princess Justice said something to Carapace and Queen Bee that I couldn't hear.

Then she said "Yes, Shadow Moth. But I can get his easily now."

I looked around franticly, I needed to escape. "Leave the stupid cat alone." Queen Bee demanded.

"Fine, Shadow Moth." She said, ignoring the heroine. "One more thing." She turned to me and without warning the roof started collapsing above me.

I had just enough time to think: are you kitten me?! Before I was hit in the head and was consumed by the shadows.

I awoke on a couch; bandages were on my head and chest. My shirt was off and I had my jeans on. Oh no I thought, where's my miraculous?

"Don't worry Adrien, your safe." A voice said. My head snapped up as Sabine, Marinette's mom set medicine on the table. "And so is your secret."

"What- how-?" I started.

"Rena Rouge came and told us you were severely injured and she didn't have enough time to take you to a hospital." She answered.

For some reason I didn't feel threatened that they knew my identity. "Where's Mr. Dupain?"

"He went to get more stuff to put on your wounds." Mrs. Dupain answered.

"I need to help my friends." I said, I surprisingly didn't feel any pain when I got up.

"I can't stop you." She said, "But your too injured to do anything."

"I have to, your daughters in danger." I said, she looked confused, she doesn't know? "You don't know?"

"Know what?" She asked. Why didn't Rena Rouge tell her?

"Marinette's been akumatized." I said, she gasped and tears started forming. "Don't worry, Mrs. Dupain. We'll save her."

"I'm not doubting that." She said, "It's that we didn't notice."

"I need to go help the heroes." I insisted, "Where's Plagg?"

Mrs. Dupain looked confused, "Who?"

"Me." Plagg said, he came out from behind the couch, "Took you long enough, Adrien."

"Plagg, claws out." I ordered; Marinette's mom looked bewildered. "I'll tell you later. Thank you Mrs. Dupain." I opened the window and leaped out before she could stop me.

"Chat Noir!" Someone screamed, I turned to spot Princess Justice in the courtyard of the school, I landed in between her and Lila. "I thought I killed you!"

"Well, you better try again, eight more times in fact!" I taunted, "How about round two?"

I pounced, aiming for her bracelet. She moved her arm, so I landed behind her, I pounced again, this time she blocked it and pushed me back, so I didn't land on my feet.

I rubbed my head and when I looked up, she was about to strike.

"Chat! Your suppose to be resting!" Rena Rouge shouted. I dodged her attack.

"Why would I go through with that while you're here putting yourself in danger?" I asked. Princess Justice tried to attack again.

"Time to lose that second life." She said, but suddenly Carapace leaped in front of me, shield up. When Princess Justice saw him, she growled. "A turtle won't stop me, not this time."

"Maybe, but there's more than a turtle and a black cat here." Carapace huffed, Rena Rouge charged at the villain, Princess Justice jumped aside, and the fox hero hit the turtle hero's shield, making him step back slightly.

"Sorry, Carapace." Rena Rouge apologized, I ran out from behind him and went towards the akumatized villain. 

She blocked my attack easily, when I paused for a moment, I saw Lila. She didn't look terrified or worried, she looked like she accomplished something.

"Can you guys distract her? Imma get Lila out of here." I called,

"Do we have to?" Queen Bee panted, I turned towards her and snatched her up without warning. I jumped over the wall and landed behind the school.

"Come back here Chat Noir, bring her back!" Princess Justice screamed after me.

"She really thought she would get away with that threat, didn't she?" Lila muttered. I was tempted to drop her and say: Are you kitten me? I heard that you started this! 

But I didn't say anything, the only reason I was saving her was because it was my job, and no one deserved to be trapped in her ribbons. 

Thank you for reading! I usually try to update every 2 days btw


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