Chapter 20

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A/n: lol, didn't mean for it to be this long, sorry. This is the last chapter then there's a bonus coming (I got it all planned out) Thanks for reading!


"Yeah." I muttered; he checked my leg.

"How'd you break it?" He asked curiously.

"I was helping Ladybug with the akuma and ShadowMoth when Princess Justice threw me into a railing." I said,

"Really?" Patrick looked excited, "Was Chat Noir there? I haven't seen him."

"Yeah, he had to leave 'cause his family was threatened." I lied,

"Who's your favorite?" He asked,

That's an easy answer, myself! I wanted to say but instead I said: "Chat Noir, you?"

"Carapace." He answered, "Okay, do you want me to let Ladybug know that you need to go to the hospital for an x-ray?"

"Oh, yes, she gets worried easily." I pleaded. He nodded, said: "Stay here." And left.

Wait where's Plagg? I wondered nervously. Just as I finished that thought I saw him bolting over here.

"Plagg!" I hissed, "Hurry before you're seen!"

He went into my jacket with no cheese in his hand. "I found no cheese." He grumbled; I didn't answer when I saw Ladybug glancing at me.

Patrick came back over, "Okay, we're gonna get you in the stretcher," for the first time I noticed the bed-like thing behind me, along with the other equipment.


"Henry! Pat! Can you come help me?" He asked, two men came over and got me on the stretcher. They made it so I sat up. I thanked them. About ten minutes later we got to the hospital.

They rushed me to a room and got me on a bed. It was about 4pm when they finished with my x-ray. My leg was put on a cast and hung above the bed and they confirmed it was broken and my ribs were definitely bruised (honestly I expected them to be broken). They didn't change me out of my clothes. They gave me dinner at 5:30pm. I sat in the hospital bed, quietly eating my dinner. I think Plagg was asleep because he didn't come out at all, even when the food came. But I didn't have an appetite, not after everything that's happened. I pushed the meal aside and tried to see if I could sleep.

I woke in my bedroom, I knew for sure this was a dream because I wasn't in the hospital, I was standing in the middle of the room. My dream-self started walking forward but was stopped because a large wall of bars stopped me, like a cage, I turned, I was boxed in, bars towered before me. My worst fear, being locked up forever. The cage kept getting smaller and smaller, until it was only a small square.

"No! Not again!" I screamed, "Help me! Plagg! Somebody!" I held onto the bars, crying, scared for my life, I was in a nightmare. And not any nightmare, the one Sandboy gave me. The bars kept creeping closer and closer, until I wasn't able to move an inch without bumping into one. I woke with a start, I was sweating and panting.

Plagg was on my leg and woke suddenly. "Woah, kid, what's wrong?" I was still shaking, unable to stop. I didn't want to answer, but I said:

"Nothing Plagg, just a nightmare." I muttered, after that I couldn't sleep, I stayed awake for what felt like hours. I wanted to see milady, but I couldn't leave the hospital, not as Adrien anyway. I sighed.

"We're going to Marinette's." I declared,

"What?!" He exclaimed, "You have a broken leg!"

"Claws out." I ordered. I got my leg out of the sling and walked over to the window. Ignoring the pain, I jumped out and leaped over trees. I rested at the rooftop across from her balcony. I glanced at my leg, I wanted to scold it for breaking, but I decided not to. I leaped to her balcony and looked in the hatch with the window in it. I knocked but she didn't wake, I knocked again a little louder this time and her eyes fluttered open. When she saw me, I waved and pointed to the door, signaling her to let me in.

When her opened the door, she looked furious and relieved at the same time. I dropped in, I grimaced when my foot hit the bed. "Adrien!" She hissed.

"Hey, princess." I said, relaxing to the point where my head hit the pillow.

"You're supposed to stay at the hospital!" Marinette scolded.

"I couldn't sleep, besides I wanted to see my bugaboo." I told her. She sighed and laid down next to me.

"You should've stayed there though."

"Don't worry, milady, I'll go back before the sun comes."

"I'm sure."

"Where's Tikki?"

"We fell asleep working on Kitty Section posters. She's still down there." She answered.

"Ah." I muttered,

"Well, I'm going back to sleep."

"Oh, okay." I responded, "Night Marinette."

She didn't respond, her chest rose and fell with each breath. I stayed awake and watched her sleep. Without thinking I put my back to her. I scolded myself and was about to turn around when something hit my broken leg.

I gasped in pain, only to realize it was Marinette's foot. I relaxed a little, that was short lived when she squeezed my stomach.

"Mmh." She mumbled, "Stay..."

"I'm not going anywhere purr-incess." I answered, but I noticed that she had talked in her sleep. I sighed and quietly pushed her foot off my leg. I turned around and snuggled next to her. Her arms hugged me and she breathed softly.

"Chat..." She murmured,

"I'm here, Marinette, and I'm never gonna leave. I love you, bugaboo." I promised and I fell sleep next to her.

Princess Justice (Marinette Akumatized Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant