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First day of face to face classes. Although classes has started a while ago with the use of distance learning. Face to face is still more fun. The laughter, the fights, the noise,  the rules and regulations and more. Today's date is March 29 2022 and today I met my crush. At first I was so excited that I get to go back at school after 2 years of staying at home due to pandemic. He came late and was wearing a white plain shirt and a black pants. I didn't care much about him at first but when the classes started I was so amazed that he was so smart, smart enough to respond to the teachers question. I am always attracted to smart man's despite their physical appearance. He is different. Not only he is smart but also he got the looks. During our first period I asked the person next to me, Carlo, to ask the teacher if I can compose a poem instead of collage or slogan. But then Eugene didn't get the opportunity to ask so I was a bit disappointed. And to my surprise he raised his hand and asked the question I want to ask. In that point I already like him.

The second day of class was fun but something is missing. My crush is absent. I kept staring at his seat all day even though someone else has taken it. Teachers kept on asking where he is. And I can't help wondering why he didn't come to school today.

On the next day of classes. I came late for the reason that my friend kept me waiting. As I entered the room I searched for him, sadly he was nowhere to be found. So I just accepted the fact that maybe he does not want to attend face to face classes anymore. Minutes past and he came. He was wearing a red hoodie and a black pants. There was no more seats available for him but the person next to me offered his seat to him. So he ended right next to my table. I was so happy that I get to see him that day. I kept on peeking at him on my peripheral vision. On the next subject before we great the teacher he told me " Ang cute Ng shoes mo" my heart is about to explode. I was wearing my read winter ankle boots. Even though it's summer, the weather feels like winter so I wore them. Classes continues and I am more motivated to show off my skills to empress him. I checked his answer sheet on mathematics and he was amazing. I lent him my module on P.E. and he thanked me. After class I asked my friend where the comfort room is and he gave me directions. Me and my friends including him took a lot of pictures after the classes. I have plans to go shopping but I sensed that he is going to the same direction as my house so I tagged along with them together with my friend Rhiane and Gabriel. On our way back home we stopped at a convenience store and he bought 4 chocolate bars. He gave us one each. I do not want open or eat it I just want to keep it together with the candy that I took from him. We parted ways and I waited for an jeepney and went straight to town to shop. Unfortunately while I was shopping, one of my boot's didn't survive. So I rushed to a shoe repair shop nearby to have it fixed and I got stucked for about half an hour. Still it was a happy day for me. 

Today is another day for school. Some students hate school but not for me. I am excited as I walk hoping I'll see him again. And of course like yesterday, I thought he won't be coming again but he is just late. Today he is wearing a dashing white polo like the first time I met him. And he look so handsome. So he took the seat behind the seat on my left side. I teased him as he passed through me about him being so early sarcastically. And he just smiled. With his facemask I cannot see his smile but I saw his eyes smile. An hour passed and some students are excused from class to take their heightand weight measurements at the clinic. I was supposed to go but I didn't because he is staying behind due to some unfinished schoolworks. He went to the teacher to ask for some modules and when he passed through me, he poked my back and whispered something like your row is the only one remaining and gave a faint laugh and I responded with a soft chuckle. I pretended that I forgot my module so I can borrow his and he did. He got summoned at the clinic and I already finished the module that I borrowed so I was thinking to borrow the next one. So I waited for him to return and when I cannot wait any longer, I sat on his seat and started to search for the next module and I cannot find anything. He came while I was scanning his desk and I asked where the next module is. He pointed out the module that is in front of me which makes me feel so embarrassed. It was right there, before my very eyes and I didn't saw it. After I finished my task I started to read webtoon since I don't have anything to do. To my surprise there was a kissing scene and I can't help myself but to rejoice and I made it obviously. So everyone around me noticed that I was rejoicing lol hahahaha.
And they suspected me reading a bl story so I showed them the scene I was so happy about. And then classes continues. I wanted to go home together with him since we both go to the same direction but I guess he still have a lot activities to do at the school. So it's only me and my friend this time. I went straight to bed when I got home. And when I woke up I checked my phone to see any messages and I saw a picture of them(him and a some of my friends) hanging out at a nearby convenience store. But when I checked the time it was already over. As I watch their photos i kept telling my self that he is truly handsome. Until I saw a picture of him and my best friend creating a heart together. I was jealous for a moment but I know that friend of mine know who my crush is. So I didn't bother.

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