Unexpected Date

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Tomorrow will be the reporting and I set my alarm for 4 30. But then I woke up at 6. I reviewed my report and went to school luckily he wasn't late which is what I'm afraid of. Anyways we prepared our visual aids and when our teacher came she told us that we will not be able to report since she has a meeting to attend. I was so disappointed because I was so excited for it and I exerted a big amount of effort. But I can't do anything about it so I just waited another week for it.

Then when the final day of reporting arrives I was so nervous because it might get cancelled again. But we managed to present our report just like how we practiced. Anyways it was a very good presentation. On our P.E. class we played badminton. Of course it was a sport that I excel in so somehow I went overboard I playing and now my body ache especially my knees. I was impressed that he can play badminton. I wanted to play with him but we only played for a short time. When we got dismissed, he mentioned that he was going to town to run some errands. Since I wanted to go to the mall and do some shopping. I told him that I will also go and that we can go together even if I don't really have a particular reason to go. I just wanted to spend some time with him. So we took a jeepney heading to town and I sat beside him and during the trip we talked and talked about things about ourselves. And I can't help but look at him during the trip. During the trip he dosed off and he looks so cute with his eyes closed. I wanted to take a photo of him but then he woke up so I just pretended to play with my phone. He told me that he still wants to walk around before he carry on his task so I asked him to just come with me while I buy something for my sisters birthday, then he agreed. We went to SM which was a long long way from where the terminal is. Which is my idea? During the walk, again, we talked and talked. Goshhh, I can't explain how much I wanted to cling to his arms. But I just kept bumbing to him because of all the people that are rushing and walking around us. But despite the pain I am in because of the badminton game earlier, I was so happy that I get to walk with him. I took him to my favorite bookstore and I spent like an hour searching for a book to read then when I realized that he might be getting bored I stood up from where I am stucked and he was out of sight. Then when I searched for him he was sitting on a corner silently reading a book. I found him so attractive that I even took a photo of him. I wanted to stay a little bit longer in there but I thought maybe he needs to go earlier later so I focused on my sisters birthday gift. We went to Broadway gems and started searching. I wanted to give my sister a necklace but I can't choose a design that she will like. So I asked him what design will suit my sister and he helped me pick a design. I found the rings that are displayed and I one ring caught my eyes, it was a silver ring with a glittery effect on the center but when I tried it on it was loose. So I searched for smaller version of the ring. I learned that my ring size is 18 and his ring size is 19. He tried some rings and he was hesitating to buy it and ended up leaving the ring. I decided to head back because I am now recieving calls from my mom and sister. I just remembered that I didn't tell them that I am going to come home late. We parted ways at the terminal, I went straight home and he went to run his errand. I was so happy but then so nervous about how I am going to go home. Lol.

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