Chapter One - Skype Calls & Whisky

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"Bro, I know you're sad, but she had to go," my speakers crackle. What in the hell? 

"I don't think you get it," my boyfriend's voice says. Did the Skype call not hang up?

"So, she went back to America. You know how tedious it is working for a magazine. Rock Forever needed her back in America. She had to quit Kerrang! and you know it," his roommate sighs again. "What am I missing?"

"I love her," my boyfriend says. I end the call. I don't want to hear anymore. 


I'm Nikki Sixx. No, not the male one. I'm not from Crue, (I wish). Nicolasa Sahve, to be exact. I've just moved back to America from Britain. I moved back because I had to get away from my boyfriend. I'm 24. He treats me like I'm 4. Yes, despite what was just relayed, I need to break up with him. Being across the world will help, when I finally do it. I moved to live freely, and because, yes, Rock Forever Magazine hired me. What my boyfriend doesn't know, is that I applied. I sigh heavily. Shoving away from my computer, I just fall into bed. 


"Get up," someone grunts in my ear. 

"Urg, no," I grunt back. Something smacks down on my bare back. My jeans. And my belt. Ow. 

"Yes," I realize it's CC. I remember crashing around what feels like an hour ago. Somebody knocks on the door. I throw a pillow, in what I think is the door's general direction. I hear the door squeak. Probably CC opening it. Silence ensues. Huh. Oh well. I attempt to go back to sleep. Two minutes into unconciousness, CC JUMPS on me. 

"ARGH!" I shout, the breath falling out of me. He may not weigh much, but I wasn't expecting it. At all. 

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH," rings out, and I know the rest of the band is in the room. Bodies land on top of me. 

"Up," Andy's deep voice shouts in my ear. The others start laughing, still on top of me. I start shoving. Hard. 

"Oh, God! ASH!" Jinxx screams as he falls to the ground from the bed. There's no way I'm getting back to sleep now. I finally get Andy off my back, LITERALLY. 

"I'm awake, now LEAVE!" I shout. They mumble about, and then leave. 

"TAKE ME WITH YOU," CC yells as they slam the door. I sit up, and give him the death glare. He actually squeaks, and runs into the bathroom. Oh, no. I am taking a shower. "CC, get outta there!" I shout, and then gather my clothes. He tries to open the door quietly, and then dive under the bed. He gets stuck though, despite his micro waist. I just sigh, and slam the bathroom door. I turn the water on as hot as I can get it, and jump in. 


I leave the bathroom an hour later, and get some whisky out of my suitcase. Yeah, I drink suitcase whisky, deal with it! The bottle is half empty. DAMMIT CC!!!

Author's note: heyy everyone. I'm back! Yes, it's the return of BVB, but this time with Mr. Ashley Purdy! Wonder where this one is gonna go... >:D - Katy

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