Chapter Thirty - Special Victims Unit

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"Where are we being classified?" Sixx asks uncertainly. She's scared,I know she is. 

"You're going to the Special Victims Unit, an area dedicated to sexually based offenses," 

"Can we leave now?" I ask. 


"Let's go home," I take Sixx's hand. We exit. 

"You can ride with us, Sixx," Andy offers. 

"Um, I'm actually gonna go home with Ashley, if that's okay," she looks up at me. 

"Why don't we all go to the house?" I suggest. Everyone agrees. 

"We need to catch up," Sixx says. 


We pull into the drive, my hand tangled in Ashley's. Andy and Jake drove us. 

"We've got a lot to talk about," Ashley whispers to me. 

"I know," I whisper back. 

"You're okay with it?" he asks, concern coating his voice. 

"Yeah. I'm confused, not scared," I whisper. "C'mon," Ashley starts to untangle his hand, but I hold fast. He looks back. I need support my eyes scream. "Don't let me go," I whisper so (hopefully) nobody can hear. Ashley seems to not hear. I hope he isn't feigning ignorance. I climb out of the car, still holding his hand. I hear him whispering in the same way I just did, so nobody should hear. But, I do. 

"I won't," he whispers. We walk inside. Juliet is here. And she's hugging me. Instantly. 

"I was unimaginably worried about you!" she exclaims. 

"Hah, thanks Ju," 

"I am so sorry I didn't go outside with you," she tells me. 

"No, it's fine. No worries," I say. I hadn't even thought about that. "Wait... does Sammi think she's responsible?" 

"............yes..............," Juliet finally says. 

"GODDAMNIT! Is she here?" 

"She's in one of the upstairs rooms," she pauses. "Alone," I reluctantly release Ashley's hand. 

"Be right back," I say, running to the stairwell. I pound up. "Sammi!" I call. I hear an earthshaking sob in the room I'm standing near. "Sammi!" I throw the door open. Sammi is on the floor, crying. "Oh, honey!" I say, grabbing her shoulders, turning her around. 

"Sixx," she sobs. "You're alive!" she says through her tears. 

"Yes, yes, now sweetheart, calm down. Honey, both Ashley and myself are alive and totally fine. You need to calm down," my breathing is shallow. My time is slowly draining. I wipe the tears from her strained face. I need to get outside. "Sweetie, this isn't your fault, okay? Trust me when I say that. It really isn't your fault, I promise," I assure her. 

"I.... I could've gone out there with you," she frets. 

"It's fine, it's fine, and that's the last word on that," I say quietly, but assuredly. 

"But, but," she protests for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"Alright, now stand up, and let's go downstairs," 

"Okay," I hand her a few tissues. "Wipe your face off," she follows my instructions. After she looks okay, I stand with her and we go back downstairs. Juliet offers Sammi a glass of water and a sympathetic smile. Sammi smiles weakly back. 

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