Chapter Thirty Three - Do It Baby

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The words snake out of my mouth before I can think about it. I swore I would never say it to a girl if I didn't mean it. I think about it......

I mean it. 

"E-eh?" she barely stutters. 

"Move in with me," I say again. "Do it," 

"Why?" she challenges, her fire suddenly fearfully full. 

"I love you. And all I can think about is waking up with you next to me every morning," she blushes. 

"A-are you serious?" she asks, looking up at me through those lashes. 

"Yes. Baby, please," she seems to be rolling it around in her head. 

"Let me think about it," she finally says. "Let's go to sleep," I pull her in close, hoping that it'll help convince her. Of what she could have, of what she's missing, of how creepy and stalkerish my thoughts are right now. Sleep, I attempt to command myself. But, I drift. Drift, as in the way of, what if I get this every night? I inhale slowly, her scent swilring in my nostrils. I don't wanna not smell this every night. I hope, hope, hope to God she says yes. 


It's hard as hell to hold onto your dignity when the risen sun is too bright in your losing eyes. It runs through my head as the risen sun penetrates my vision. Why am I thinking of that? John Green is a dazzling writer, but I haven't read that book in a very long while. Love is just a shout into the void floats in my watery head. She walks lightly upon the earth, it was Augustus Waters's description of his great love, Hazel Grace. I wonder what Ashley thinks of me, if he thinks in great constellations of thoughts about me. No, though, because normal people don't think of every minisucle thing in paragrapic analysis. What does he think of me? Is he here? I roll over, alone in the bed. You keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Issac's tortured voice, that is something in my own mind, drifts as well, reminding me. I'm not always sure I know what love is, but I'm gonna improvise anyways. I sit up, and gather a shirt. It's Ashley's shirt he had under his jacket. An unbuttoned vest like top. I pull it on, button one of the middle ones, and walk out of the bedroom. I walk into the kitchen, and find a certain outlaw eating. One word spills off my lips. 

"Yes," I say. 

"Yes?" he asks. 

"Yes," I say with total finality. He basically throws his chair back, is across the kitchen in 2.2 seconds, and has his lips on mine. Warning? Nah. Just an attack of the throat.

"Thank you baby," he murmurs against my lips. "You won't...won't.....regret it," he says in between fevered kisses to my lips. I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. It drifts into my mind, unbidden. I am in love with him... I love him. All of him. His pervertedness. How much of a rock star he is.  How he can be really sweet. "What are you thinking about?" 

"Why?" I'm not the biggest fan of people, even Ashley despite how I'm getting used to him, probing. 

"You look.... far away," he murmurs. 

"You..." I say. I'm not sure if I want to say more. 

"What about me?" 

"How I love you," it spills without my permission. Before he can reply, my phone rings. Shrill, demanding, and shaking on the kitchen counter. It's a number, not one in my phonebook. I answer anyways. 

"Sahve," I use my business tone, no need to go into who I am personally. 

"Nicolasa Sahve?" a female voice asks on the other end. 

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