Chapter 3: Debriefing

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June 28

Morgue Establishment within Armistead Dormitories

0300 hours

Murray Hill sat up. It was evident that it was a surprise to me. It was quite dramatic and yet quite stupid to say such a thing like "Cats are alive and they have fur," which would not only be obvious but a random topic to bring up. The thing was, Murray Hill wasn't stupid. He'd planted a bomb under the Nathan Hale Administration Building, that was meant to wipe out the Central Intelligence, whilst sending me and Erica on a wild goose chase to really see who the mole was, directing all attention away from him, which was not only clever, but sinister. Murray didn't appear hurt, but he certainly was. The bullet that had flown through him was sitting on a nearby table, along with tweezers and pliers that were used to reduce the damage and remove the bullet. Since I'd merely sat there in shock instead of speak, I decided to ask the inevitable."How'd you survive?" incredulously. "The hitchhiker who found the remains of SPYDER on the street attempted to call the police, but CIA security cameras got word of my body there. And so they transported me to the morgue and thought I was dead." he explained. "But you aren't dead". "Exactly. The doctors got lazy and threw me in this dump. They confirmed me dead, and now if I ever want to hideout, I'd have to use an alias, a fake passport, and disguise myself. The higher ups in the government love to lie. They're also looking for me." "Makes sense, before quitting and rejoining the most sinister organization ever, twice, and lying to go rogue, twice." I said. "That was the worst ship ever." Murray said. "You made it the worst ship ever. You replaced the engine with a nuclear bomb." "That was for business. Tell me, was blowing up the damn Eiffiel Tower for business?" "Quite frankly, it was. And if we hadn't, Joshua would be arrested." "Oh, hes created an organization near the original SPYDER headquarters. "You mean-". "We're going to New Mexico". Erica said.

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