Chapter 16: War

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June 30

0130 hours

West Virginia

The jet that Dane had put on autopilot was hovering over West Virginia, and the entire area was black. At first I though they were all gray clouds, considering pollution exists around Virginia's area.

Although as the jet lowered into a CIA hangar, I realized it was thousands of people.

We'd been traveling and sleeping all day, and so all of us were relatively tired and anxious without Erica by our side. We'd all been sharing plans back and forth inbewtween states, and although we were tired from yesterday's work we'd also had weeks worth of adrenaline. 

We were passing from the West Virginia  into Virginia, and the people flooded both states. It was as though every person were in rows, marching towards something.

Then the back of the jet exploded. Murray was sent flipping through the air and landed on his back, groaning. He was sucked out, along with Zoe. I fought against the air pressure, but it was too much. I managed to yank four parachutes, but unfortunately slammed my head against the floor of the jet.

Blood spurted from my lip as boxes of supplies burst against the impact with my body. 

"Dane!" I screamed. He turned around and jumped just as the air pressure threw me out the jet.

"This is the fifth time my life has been threatened in 18 hours!" I shouted.
Although nobody could hear me because of the wind. I tossed two parachutes for Murray and Zoe whilst slipping mine on.  I tossed the final parachute to Dane and he put his on while flying through the air.

"According to my calculations," I started.  "We're approaching the ground at, like, 158 miles per hour! So deploy your parachute at 28 feet!"

"What?" Zoe and Murray said in unison. I rolled my eyes and continued to hold steady against the wind pressure.

As we came into clearing and wooshed past the clouds, we each deployed our parachutes as the jet raged across a huge field. The plane that had struck ours had obviously been a Hallal Corp product. It hovered around the field for a bit, and then retreated soon afterwards. Although the parachute had worked, we were still falling at a breathtaking speed.

We landed in an apartment complex with several brainwashed people surrounding us.  "Stop! Everyone!" I yelled to the brainwashed people. They all stopped in their tracks and swung towards me. Then they started attacking. They ran towards me with tight fists and had fire in their eyes. "Hallal Corp plane! 12 o' clock!" Murray yelled. "They tricked us!" Zoe squawked. The plane fired rapid bullets and tore the skin of my shoulder. The bullet ripped open the fabric of my shirt and grazed my shoulder.

I fell to the floor and the others rushed to safety. The pressure from all of the bullets at once crushed one of the apartment buildings that fell on top of us. Luckily, the rubble split in half midair and it slammed into the ground, although it did send us stumbling a few feet backwards, which damaged my ribcage, resulting me to scream in pain.

I rolled over and looked at Zoe, which was the last person I saw before I blacked out.

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