Chapter 13: Combat

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June 29

0600 hours (AM)

West of Phoenix, Arizona

Everyone reacted in surprise, save for Erica, who immediately tried to find a way to exit the car without being injured. The car landed on the sunroof, and everyone groaned. Erica kicked the sunroof open with little to no effort, leaping out and perching on a tire. "Everyone get out through the top!" Erica yelled, gesturing to the place the sunroof once was. Joshua stepped out of the black Hallal Corp van, with crutches in his hand, due to the injury of his peg leg. Hallal Corp agents that looked a bit like ninjas surrounded Joshua, and he ordered for them to go and attack Erica.

She smiled and cracked her neck, knowing this would be as easy as pie. She kicked an agent in the nose, doubling them over and slamming her heel down into their head. The first agent collapsed, and Erica started on the rest. Joshua was trying to fight back desperately with his crutches. Meanwhile, I was trying to help the others out of the car.

"Great, now we've been ambushed by Captain Hook and his Team Umi- Zoomi henchmen," Mike grumbled as he climbed out, helping Zoe. They both started to help Erica with the agents, and before I knew what I was thinking, I tried to pursue Joshua. He shouted as I knocked the crutches out of his hand, and kneeled down on his bionic leg. Although, he could still function with one leg. He buckled my kneecap and this time I kneeled down on my leg.

For a 19 year old with half of his limbs being mere replacements, he could still fight incredibly well, and although I could barely battle a color printer, I'd excelled in defense classes, but couldn't defeat Joshua. He tore the shoulder of my shirt open with his hook, and slashed my collar bone.
I howled in pain, and he kicked me with his bionic leg, knocking the wind out of me and leaving me in the fetal position right next to the door of the sedan. Zoe, Erica and Mike finished up with the agents, and Joshua, out of nowhere, raised a gun with his hook, which actually looked diffcult. He aimed and Erica and fired, and I grew worried.

Erica didn't even flinch. "You missed me," she said. Joshua guffawed again. "I wasn't trying to," he said.
And I realized, he'd hit Mike.

I couldn't believe my eyes, and I fell solemn, deep into my thoughts, feeling empty.


It felt like I was imagining it. But I wasn't. That was the feeling. I wasn't. The pain of reality and that saying: the truth hurts. All I could do was watch. Joshua Hallal didn't wanna kill me.

He wanted to make me suffer. He pulled the trigger, and my friend fell to the floor.

The blood. I watched it seep out of him like lemon juice. It oozed and ran down my hands. It looked like I murdered him. It felt like I murdered him. I was nothing. Three times through the chest. He was gone. I couldn't help but shed tears. His pulse was gone. I looked at Joshua. He'd made the wrong descision. He lowered the gun, the barrel smoking. I looked down and ripped off the broken car door with fury. I raised it over my head, too infuriated to think - too infuriated to breathe. Too guilty. I was going to slam the door into Joshua, cut him in half, and rip out his organs one by one.

But I couldn't.

I crashed the door into Joshua, and he fell to the floor, a small cut on his face. And then Dane Brammage lift him into the air.

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