Parking Lot Brawls and Movie Hauls

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Happy upload day!

A couple of warnings; violence. Literal fighting. Annnnnd we got some smut at the end to finish this chapter off! Go easy on me with the fighting, I'm not great at writing fights. But, I tried.



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"I'm going to fucking kill him."

The words rolled off of his tongue as he calmly stood up and grabbed his keys to head back next door and get his car.

"Bucky-" Steve started but was cut off by a painful groan as he grabbed at his ribs, which were undoubtedly bruised.

"No. Don't 'Bucky' me, Steve. Rumlow has gotten away with bullshit for way too fucking long and this was the last straw. I'm sick of this shit."

"What are you gonna do?" Steve asked. "Jump him and the eight guys he's always with?"

"No." He replied with a sly grin that never meant anything good.

"Then what?"

"I'm calling in a few reinforcements. Pietro and I will be back for movie night. Ror, call Nat and tell her I'm borrowing Bruce for a little bit. And make sure he has Tony with him."

"B, I don't know if yo-"

"Aurora," his voice was stern and commanding but his were soft when they locked on mine, "call Nat." He finished.

All I could do was nod.

No one ever called me that.

He never called me that.

So, all I could do was nod.

"Bucky, your just gonna get yourself hurt. Don't risk pissing off Rumlow-"

"Steve, how long am I with you?"

"Until the end of the line."

"Until the end of the line." Bucky repeated.

"And that line doesn't end just because a douche bag with douche bag friends that all have a shitty matching tattoo kick your ass. It means until the end of the fucking line."

I walked into the kitchen to grab the phone and call Nat.

Three rings and then an answer.

"Romanoff residence. What's crackin'?"

"Hey, Nat. It's Max!" I chirped into my end of the line, twirly the black spiral cord around my index and middle finger.

"Hey, girl! What's goin on?"

"Uh, Bucky needs Bruce to help him with something."

"And Tony!" Bucky hollered from the living room.

"And Tony." I added.

"Uh, okay. Sure. What's happening?"

"Rumlow got a hold of Steve. And it's-its bad Nat." I stuttered out, the words feeling like glue in my throat.

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