14: The News For Preparation

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After you finished the mission with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, your presence was requested by Master Ubuyashiki. You nervously fiddled your fingers, this would be the first interaction between you and the head of the demon slayer corps. Hopefully he wasn't going to expel you or anything. You shared your concerns with a curious Zenitsu who wanted to know why you were getting so worked up.

"Im sure it will be fine! Do tell us what happens though!"
Zenitsu lightly patted your back reassuringly, "Especially if Nezuko is involved."
His voice went down five octaves which low key creeped you out. Tanjiro eyed Zenitsu suspiciously, Zenitsu noticed and returned Tanjiros watchful eyes with an innocent smile.
You went your separate ways as you headed towards the home of Master Ubuyashiki. Once you entered the estate, it was filled with the scent and scenery of beautiful Wistera flowers. Each vine hung comfortably off the tall trees and fallen petals had covered the ground like a blanket.

'This place is such a sight' you thought, nothing in the world could compare to the beauty you are witnessing here.
As your eyes wandered, you stumbled upon a certain someone with a shiny headdress on his head.
Was that the most flamboyant person ever?!
Seeing him in person is like staring at a shiny mirror covered in gems.
He became aware of your presence and grinned once he realized it was you.
"Y/N right? The lovely wife of Rengoku! How have you been?"
You raised your head to look up at him, this slightly intimidated you but you tried not to show it.
"I've been well, you?"
"Oh- same old! Just going on missions and returning home for a couple of months."

"Tengen! Fancy seeing you here, I'm glad you finally got to meet my wife!"
Kyojuro slid his arm around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. Tengen smiled, "Oh yeah, she is real flashy!"
Kyojuro threw his head back as he laughed at the comment Tengen made. "She is!"

Tengen excused himself, leaving you and Kyojuro alone. You looked at Kyojuro curiously, "Wait- what are you doing here?"
Kyojuro awkwardly chuckled, "Oh yeah- I was also requested to be here."
Sweat was dripping off Kyojuro's forehead, he was obviously hiding something from you.
"Whats going on? Do you know something I don't?" You crossed your arms and stared at Kyojuro who was visibly trying not to tell you whatever it is you don't know.
"Uh, im sure Master Ubuyashiki will fill you in on what you need to know."
You rolled your eyes, if Kyojuro is accompanying you on this meeting then it might not be good news.
"Hello, Kyojuro and Y/N, please come inside."
Master Ubuyashiki stood on his porch with his two daughters side by side. You both bowed and followed his daughters inside their home.
You were lead into a small room with cushions placed in a circle, Ubuyashiki sat in one of them and gestured for the two of you to sit down.
Once you were situated with Kyojuro by your side, Ubuyashiki began to speak.

"Y/N, yesterday I was speaking with Kyojuro about your situation. The demons are aware of your existence and want to know more, im not sure what they are planning on doing to you, but I'm sure it isn't going to be good. I've come up with a plan that I think you will agree with, do you wish to hear it?"

You gripped your pants, you knew about the demons and how they wanted to capture you for testing. But, for some reason, you didn't think it was going to get this bad.
Kyojuro placed his hand on top of yours and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Ubuyashiki sighed then began to speak cautiously, "I was talking with the Hashira a couple of days ago and we had all agreed on a plan that will ensure your safety. We think you should resign from the demon slayer corps."
Your heart sank, is he asking you to quit! No, this is your dream, you loved this job.
You looked at Kyojuro, "You knew about this and didn't tell me?"
Kyojuro removed his hand and placed it on his lap, "I... well...uh...."
You didn't wait for Kyojuro to respond, you weren't going to have your ability to make decisions stripped away from you.
"I'm sorry Master Ubuyashiki but I'm not resigning, I will face whatever obstacles are thrown at me. Please, Master, I can help! Tell me and I will do it, just please don't make me quit!"
Tears rushed down your face and onto the cold wooden floor. After putting all your blood,sweat, and tears into become a demon slayer, they were asking you to throw it all away.
Ubuyashiki smiled, "There is another option, but this one is extremely dangerous."
Your head perked up, "What is it?"
Ubuyashiki briefly stared at Kyojuro then to you, "You could go to Muzan's hideout and provide entail for us."

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