Chapter 1

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A small blonde fox demon broke through the trees of the forest scampering through the streets , he was out of food, and the shop keepers never let him near their shops, they called him a street rat, a thief, even though, except for scraps out of ally way trashcans, he'd never stolen anything in his life. He was hungry and went to the forest looking for food, but there was nothing he could eat. He was on his way home when his body started to feel heavy and hot, it was uncontrollable and uncomfortable, making the poor demon run to his home hoping he would feel better once he got there.

The fox demon stopped as he came to a dark ally way, he checked to see if anyone was watching then scurried into it, at the very back was a small hole in the wall, this was what the fox demon called his home, it wasn't much, but it was all he had and he'd give anything to protect it.

After all in a world where power and who your family was meant everything, the family-less fox named Naruto, who knew only survival, was and had nothing, in a world where your where either a noble of pureblood or mutt, or impure, who middle class or poor. Naruto knew nothing of his family, he just assumed he was impure, he'd never seen a pureblood so he didn't know the difference, therefore unable to tell anyone from anyone else.



Behind huge gates marked with a red and white fan symbol, the mark of the family that inhabited the compound, stood a gorgeous and huge house with lush gardens and lovely things as such. But all was not as peaceful and happy as the outside perceived it to be.

Sasuke sighed then scowled as he stood on the open balcony of his room, in a few minuets the guests his mother invited would arrive and he would be forced to yet again look for a mate. He wished this party was for his brother Itachi, but Itachi had been promised to someone from birth and lucky for him, he ended up loving his mate. While Sasuke had to put up with annoying fangirls everywhere he turned.

Suddenly he jumped down frustrated with the scent of the guests in heat (you know like animal heat) poring into the Uchiha mansion, most of them hopeful and trying to become his mate, Sasuke only had one thing to say to that 'Over my dead body,' he thought as he ran through the forest into town.

He was halfway there when the wind blew a sweet scent his way at first he thought he was imagining the smell but when a gust of wind blew again the smell filled his senses once again, he had to find that smell, it was so sweet, yet not over-poweringly so, Sasuke was no longer a puppy and he learned long ago what that smell meant, though he had gone in to heat only a few times before, plenty of older women had chased after him for most of his life.

He followed the scent into town winding through alleys to the dark part of town, the poor district, where the scent grew stronger. As the scent became stronger Sasuke's body began to react driving itself into heat at the strong aroma of his mate, yes Sasuke decided the owner of the smell was his mate. Sasuke followed the scent and began wondered why someone that smelled more wonderful then the finest perfumes and more sweet then the most delectable treats lived down here, unless this was where the owner of the scent's mate lived, the idea of the person he was looking for already being claimed pissed him off, he decided right then and there, if the scents owner had a mate, he would fight them. Nothing was going to keep Sasuke from his decided mate.

Naruto curled up on the dirt floor of his house and pulled the blankets over his naked body it was hot as he tried to sleep, before drifting into sweet unconsciousness he surveyed his house. It was a one room hole about fourteen by fourteen feet (in other words tiny) with a thin sheet, a comforter, and pillow that served as his bed, his black shirt, orange leather pants, and shoes that where his only of each serving as the cloths he wore daily also his only pair, and some paper (the paper was the wrappings from the food he'd managed to scavenge) and that was it.

It might not have been anything more then a hole in an abandoned building in a low part of town but it was his home and he was happy with what he had.

Sasuke followed the scent into a dead end ally way, he looked around and saw a small hole in the wall he ducked two his knees and hobbled in (he used his knees to walk). When he got into the small room he didn't notice its dirt floors, dripping ceiling, damp air, or lack of things, what he did notice was a tiny figure with sun kissed honey skin and sunshine golden hair that had two dark tawny fox ears poking through the mass of wild spikes, the figures face was that of an angels it was skinny yet round-ish and smooth unblemished skin the only marks he had on his face where three whisker marks on both cheeks, Sasuke took in the demons half uncovered body the figure had a males face, yet had a feminine physique, Sasuke didn't care, if this angel was his mate he'd gladly be gay. Sasuke look the demon over. He was facing away from Sasuke and tucked into a ball with both arms held tight to his chest the blanket pulled up barley past his chest showing Sasuke the demon's bare shoulders. Sasuke reached out to touch the angel but stopped and looked around, no sign of a mate, good, he was still free. Sasuke wanted to touch the angel to stroke his soft looking skin, but he couldn't, not yet, not until he had marked him.

SasuNaru mate/MpregHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin