Chapter 2

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Naruto felt someone shaking him,

"Little fox, little fox, wake up little fox," whispered a deep voice Naruto didn't recognize.

The hand kept shaking him gently and Naruto turned over wrapping his arms subconsciously around the warm gentle hand and snuggled up to it. Something brushed the hair that had fallen into his face and Naruto slowly opened his eyes before snapping them open and becoming fully awake.

Red alerts went off in his head, someone was in his house, someone he didn't know was in his house and was touching him, the figure slowly fell from its knees (Sasuke never stood up when he came through the hole to Naruto's house) to sit down closer to Naruto.

That's when Naruto saw the figures face, midnight eyes stared at him as raven locks framed a soft milky colored face, and silky black wolf ears stood out from his raven hair (wolf ears are bigger then fox ears), the face was so perfect it took his breath away, Naruto continued to stare, not sure what to do. The stranger was bigger and probably stronger then him and blocked his only chance at escape. Naruto swallowed as the stranger began to speak.

"Do you have a mate little one?" the figure asked Naruto listened to his voice it was soft, gentle, and musical. It made Naruto feel warmer then he already was, and safer then he'd felt in his entire life.

"Mate?" he questioned softly he'd heard of the other demons speak of mates, but he hadn't been near others in so long.

He was uncertain exactly what mates where for, he knew they lived with each other and had a pup or two, but he didn't know anything beyond that, like how mates where chosen, what mates did, or any of that


Sasuke sucked in a breath as the little fox spoke,

"Mate?" the voice was beautiful if sounds where elements his voice would be mercury, fluid and soft to draw you in but addictively toxic, the fox could get anything he wanted with that sweet voice.

"Yes, mate," he stopped had he been wrong about the location of the scent, no it couldn't be it seeped through every crack of this house, if that was the case then, was this little fox in someone else's, Sasuke's chosen mate's, house? Sasuke held back a growl "How old are you?"

The little fox looked thoughtful for a moment,

"I think I'm either thirteen of fourteen, I don't count days any more, what's the use?"

Sasuke nodded, this was most likely the little ones first heat, Sasuke being sixteen had been through a few heats before, he hadn't ever mated but he had been in heat.

"Is this your first heat then?" he inquired of the younger.

"I-I don't know what you mean," the fox said quietly, pink tinting his cheeks.

"Do you feel bad, really hot, all of a sudden?"

The fox nodded,

"Where are your parents?" Sasuke asked quietly

"I don't know, I've been alone since I was a baby," the younger whispered.

Sasuke nodded, no wonder the fox didn't know of mates, he'd basically raised himself, which would also explain why he was living in a tiny hole in a wall.

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