chapter 5~~~~

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Naruto had visited her when he and Sasuke first mated, to see if he had any health problems, being and skinny as he was, but now he was going for a different reason.

Naruto yipped and smiled "Baa-chan? Why are we going to see her?"

Naruto sat on the table in Tsunade's office his feet swinging back and forth as Tsunade looked him over, prodding him in the stomach and at his hips. Finally she stopped and looked at Sasuke, he tensed waiting.

"Well, Sasuke, Brat," she looked at Naruto who pouted "Naruto's not just getting fat from eating," she paused and Naruto finally realized why Sasuke brought him in, what Sasuke was hoping for, his stomach tightened, Naruto was hoping for the same thing but he didn't know how Sasuke would feel, but he realized Sasuke hoped for the same thing he did.

"Naruto is carrying, one kit, I can tell you the gender if you want…" both shook their heads no, "okay, and the kit will be due in a few weeks, due to the quick rate of the demon fox's development rate. And Sasuke count yourself lucky, nine tailed foxes don't go through the hormonal stages that all other pregnancies have."

Sasuke smiled and scoped his fox up into a hug, smiling and nuzzling his fox as Naruto laughed and hug him back.

Sasuke carried Naruto on his back up to the mansion, Naruto protested at first but as he got comfortable, he let Sasuke carry him.

Sasuke threw open the door, and yelled for his parents. They came rushing down the stairs. Sasuke motioned for them to follow him to the kitchen.

"What's happening Sasuke?" his mother asked him nervously, she knew Sasuke wasn't one to yell.

Sasuke sat Naruto down and lifted the fox's shirt up enough to expose his stomach and round hips.

"Mother, what does this look like?"

Mikoto walked closer to Naruto looking at his stomach.

"His hips are extremely round and are set a little to wide for a male demons hips," she said talking to herself, suddenly she leaned in and inhaled the blonde's scent she pulled back eyes wide, and squealed loudly, Sasuke and his father covered their ears.

Fugaku looked at his wife "What is it?"

"I going to be a grandma!" she yelled Fugaku's eyes widened and he smiled

"We're going to be grandparents, when?"

"In a few weeks!" Naruto yelped happily and Mikoto started rambling on about things they would need to get, the things Naruto needed to start and stop eating to be in perfect health when he had the kits and a bunch of other things, her out loud thought process was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it," Naruto said. Two of the three Uchihas started to protest

"Let Naruto do it, he needs to move around some, if I remember, you couldn't sit still when you where pregnant dear," Fugaku said to his and Sasuke.

Naruto bounced happily to the door way and flung the door open, on the other side was a man who looked exactly like Sasuke, but different, behind him stood a blonde man, not as tall as the dark figure looming in the doorway but taller then Naruto himself, he was also blonde and had fox-ish yet cat-like ears with blue-green eyes. When Naruto looked at the dark figure again the man was glaring at him.

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