Chapter 3ⁿ

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Sasuke hung up the phone after giving his mom direction's where to pick them up at. He looked at Naruto who was standing at his side, eyes half lidded, and body swaying slightly from tiredness. Sasuke smiled, the effects of what they had done all week where starting to set in, in Naruto's body as well as his.

Sasuke picked Naruto up in his arms so the younger wouldn't collapse from exhaustion and walked to the street corner his mom was supposed to pick them up at, he had already explained to Naruto that he and Sasuke would live at the Uchiha compound with his family, and was instructed to collect all the items he wanted to bring, the only thing he said he had worth anything to him was the necklace around his neck-the necklace Sasuke gave him.

Naruto's eyes widened as a sleek black Camaro stopped in front of them he lifted its head from its place on Sasuke's shoulder he'd never seen a car that looked so nice, he looked up at Sasuke worried - the Uchihas obliviously had money and power and he was so poor and had never even met anyone related to him, he was so powerless, he'd never been trained to fight or anything, the only fighting techniques he knew where from getting beat up as a kit and having to defend himself against the older kids - who looked down at his mate and smiled reassuringly.

The butterfly door swung up as Sasuke's mom, Mikoto, sat smiling in the driver's seat when she got a look at her son's mate she squealed he was absolutely adorable, she didn't care if Sasuke was gay, Itachi was promised to a guy at birth so what was the difference?

Besides as long as Sasuke was happy and mated she would be okay.


Sasuke sat down at the dinner table with Naruto at his left closest to Mikoto at the end and Sasuke's father at the end on the right, just as Sasuke had promised both parents where understanding and talking a bit with Naruto they could tell that he was going to bring the life back to the strict Uchiha mansion, and both older Uchihas knew that would be a good thing.

Half way through dinner a maid came through the door and looked a Sasuke's parents who in turn glanced at each other before nodding, as the maid scurried away Mikoto straightened her back and announced

"We have company."


Naruto sat straight up like everyone else was doing waiting for the guest to arrive, he felt Sasuke shift so that he was close

Naruto sat straight up like everyone else was doing waiting for the guest to arrive, he felt Sasuke shift so that he was closer to Naruto, he looked up and three new people entered the room.

Sasuke's eye twitched at the unexpected guests, they where twin sisters Sakura Haruno and Ino Haruno, and their mother Mrs. Haruno. Sasuke didn't mind Mrs. Haruno, she was a polite quiet lady who never bothered anyone, but her daughters where loud, rude, annoying, and where always throwing themselves at him every chance they got that was out of the view of adults. Also, they where rabbit demons, Sasuke couldn't stand those annoying little oversized rats, and the demon rabbits where just as bad

The rest of dinner went without a word, when Naruto was through he quietly excused himself and went to his and Sasuke's bedroom, Sasuke looked at his mother briefly before Mikoto clapped her hands together and suggested they all move to the living room for some tea and dessert from which Sasuke excused himself from the company and went to follow his mate.

"Naru is something wrong?" Sasuke whispered to Naruto who was hiding under the covers of their bed.

"I don't like the 'Suke, there's a weird feeling coming from them, can I just stay in here 'til they're gone?"

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