Chapter 4

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Naruto sighed and snuggled into Sasuke's side and sighed happily, it was later that night, after the Hanuro's had gone home and everything was cleaned. Sasuke smiled and pulled Naruto closer to him.

"Today was exciting but please tell me we won't be doing that often,"

"I don't know, I thought it was hot when you almost killed Sakura like that, you're sexy when your in fox form, well, actually you're sexy all the time, but still"

Naruto blushed "Well, you were pretty sexy in that wolf for too,"

"Reeeaaaalllly now, I might have to remember that for later,"

Sasuke smirked and kissed Naruto once before they drifted off to sleep.

Naruto and Sasuke where out today, yesterday the Hanuros had left and Naruto wanted to do something.

So here they where, in the forest behind the Uchiha mansion, in the middle of a clearing, Sasuke lying down, in wolf form, watching his fox mate.

All nine of his tails swishing slowly, his butt high in the air snout a little less then an inch from the surface of the small river they where at, his amethyst eyes trained on the fish swimming in the water, waiting to strike.

Sasuke closed his eyes smiling at his lovely mate. He ignored the splash, figuring his mate had fallen in the wate, it would be exactly like his clumsy mate to do so. He couldn't ignore what happened next. Hestarted to drift into a light sleep when the splash had happened, suddenly something wet and rough, that wasn't his mates tounge, fell onto his snout he snapped his eyes open to see Naruto's foxy grin and a silver blue fish that had been dropped on his snout.

Sasuke shook his head flinging the fish off him. He lifted his head and let a playfull growl rumble from the back of his throat before lazily standing up and pouncing on his mate.

In wolf form Sasuke was big enough to stand over Naruto while the fox stood under him. Naruto dropped to the ground then rolled on his back, showing Sasuke his belly.(A/N, when an animal, specifically a wolf, who travels in packs, showes its stomach to another, its showing submission toward the dominent animal)

Sasuke dropped his head and started to nip at Naruto's ear, causing him to bat at Sasuke's nose gently, lovlingly. Suddenly a rusteling came from the bushes. Sasuke dropped down in a crouch over his mate teeth bared a fierce growl, completely unlike the one Naruto had heard seconds before, ripped continuously from Sasuke's throat, Naruto flipped over and srunk into the ground under his mate.

The rusteling continued and Sasuke crouched lower dropping his head and blocked Naruto's veiw of whatever it was, Naruto lifted his head burying it in the junction between Sasuke's neck and shoulder.

In a flash Sasuke had sprang from his protective crouch over his mate and toward the bushes. Naruto dropped his head on his paws and laid down waiting for Sasuke to return.

A minuet or so later Naruto saw his mate trotting through the bushes something in his mouth head held high, he stopped in front of Naruto and sat down placeing the item in his mouth on the ground, it was a large rabbit, the rabbit shook its head and sprang up and hopped off into the bushes.

Naruto suddenly launched himself at Sasuke, wrapping his paws around Sasukes neck twisting himself so he landed on Sasuke's back lowering his head to nibble on Sasuke's furry ear.

With a pop Sasuke turned back to his human form and pulled Naruto around to his chest laying back scratching the fox behind his ear, Naruto let out something akin to a purring sound as he changed back to a human continuing to purr as Sasuke moved his hand up to run through Naruto's blonde hair while still stroking his ears.

Naruto nuzzled his head into Sasuke's chest continuing to purr contently, Sasuke smiled and lifted his head to kiss Naruto's temple. Naruto turned his head to watch the sinking sun curled up to Sasuke.

"I love you," he whispered against Naruto's skin

"I love you too, thank you for taking me out today 'Suke," Naruto mumbled his eyes getting heavy his head dropping to Sasuke's body before nuzzeling into his chest. Sasuke smiled and wrapped his arm around his mate, letting the warm summer air wash over him, gently pushing him toward unconsiousness. His mate wrapped ing his arms the stars shinning over head.

Sasuke kissed his mate gently on the lips one last time before letting sleep claim him.


The wind blew through the Uchiha compound blowing through the open windows of Sasuke's bedroom.

Sasuke smiled and looked down at the sleeping blonde fox curled into his side. Naruto had been spending a lot of time in his fox form, and in response Sasuke spent a lot of time in his wolf form. The rare times Naruto was in his human form Sasuke noticed that the blonde's hips where starting to get a little wider and rounder, and his stomach was loosing its toned abs.

Sasuke buried his muzzle in the golden red fur and inhaled, the scent he loved so much was altering little by little, it was getting a little sweeter, heavier, but lovely never the less, and if it meant what Sasuke thought it meant, and he prayed it did, he was going to have more then one fox running around his room.

Naruto began to shift, opening his eyes, as he let out a yawn that shook his body.

"Mm, Morning 'Suke," he said as he lazily blinked.

"Morning love, today we're going to see Tsunade,"

Naruto smiled, Tsunade was the leader of the common demons who lived in town and was also the best medic demon who ever lived in the region. She was an old mountain lion who used her skills in the medical field to keep her looking so much younger then she really was, though no demon knew her actual age, she had been there long before even the oldest demons in the village.

Naruto liked to call her baa-chan which annoyed the mountain lion to no end, but Naruto was the only one to actually get away with it, if anyone else would have said it Tsunade would have ripped them to shreds on the spot.

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