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I kept kissing him I didn't want to let go i thought of fucking him but we are only 16 i wish tho 😞 *matt i know what you're thinking you horny dog stop having thoughts of me 🤭* "AHH STOP 🫣" i ran to my bedroom and closed the door shut *HEY DONT JUST LOCK ME OUT LIKE THAT* "NO!" I was blushing so hard eventually i clammed down and opened the door I hugged parappa I was just happy to have him back..! But pj his friend was getting in the way I knew pj liked parappa ugh I can't stand that bear! He's always drawing parappa naked how do I know? Because I caught him last month! I can't stand that bear! Anyways prom was in 2 days and I was on my way to ask parappa out but pj was already there! I knew it! He was waiting for me to ask parappa out he gave parappa a letter my blood was boiling I pushed pj out of the way but the. Parappa pushed me *Whats your problem Matt! Why are you so mad at him why'd you pushed him!* "u-uh because..." *BECAUSE WHAT!* "..." *ANWSER ME!* "because i DONT like him" then... he slapped me I...I..I ran off but parappa didn't chase me instead he went and helped pj up I ran to a classroom I started crying why was everything going bad for me this year! I just...

I ran off but parappa didn't chase me instead he went and helped pj up I ran to a classroom I started crying why was everything going bad for me this year! I just

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Art credit:  tsubaki-mochi on Tumblr

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