Murder 😍

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"PARAPPA please tell me when was the last time pj texted you" *It couldn't be....he texted me a week ago* "do you have your phone anywhere???" *no I left it at home just please do what ever you're gonna do and find my baby!* I rushed out I didn't have time to hug or kiss or do anything to parappa I had to get our kid back it hasn't even been 2 days and he's already gone I went home got parappa's phone I knew his password I went to the police station I told them to track the message down I also reported the case they were on it immediately
Yk I myself can also track the location down but I would still need police help...~days later~ it's been days police informed me the location was in my neighborhood they told me the address I wouldn't just knock on the door I knew I had to get police with me it was hard to get the, to come but I did we went from the back door police searched everywhere I went down into the attic there was this suspicious door it was locked I called one of the officers he shot the lock we got in and....pj was there but not alive he committed suicide baby he was there but he wasn't respond we called 911 immediately they rushed him I also went with them I went to parappa's room he was waiting there for me *they told me all about it our baby gonna be okay!?* he hugged me I hugged him tight "I-I don't know baby hang on tight I know he'll survive" *m-my baby* "I know babe I know please hang on tight" ~months later~ everything went wrong parappa started drinking he would always cry and night he wouldn't hurt me but he would get mad easily we would cuddle at night our baby wasn't getting better he was shot but he survived that but he has injuries that might not heal "p-parappa please stop I-I know he's not getting better but would you think this is what he would want his parents to do" *SHUT UP!* he threw it at me I....

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