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Ugh.....what..happened? I looked to my side and saw parappa he was shot,oh no oh no oh no! This can't be happening! I keep moving him "WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I couldn't hold it I started crying all of this on my wedding it getting shot up my husband getting injured! What did I do to deserve this can't I have a good day for once! I I I....I WILL FIND THE PERSON WHO DID THIS! I picked up parappa I tried running as fast as I could to the hospital I got shot in my leg but I had no time for my what mattered was getting my husband safe! I got to the hospital I didn't have to say a word they were rushing to treat parappa at that moment I.....huh? Where am I? I was in the hospital bed I looked to my side and saw parappa I couldn't stand up because of my leg but I still forced myself to I held his hand tight. I think I fell asleep because when I woke up I was in my bed anyways I looked to my side and..parappa was gone I quickly rushed out of bed but I fell instantly I picked myself up and tried to open the was locked my only choice was to bang on it I bang the door as many times as I could then a doctor came she opened the door *whats wrong?* the only thing on my mind was parappa "Where's my husband!?" *???...Oh! Parappa?* "yeah where is he??" *Well uh....he's in the process of surgery..* "What..? What happened to him! Tell me!" *...* she didn't answer she walked out I didn't know what to do my husband was getting surgery and I didn't even know what happened to him!? I waited for hours and hours until a doctor came in *Are you the husband of parappa?* "YES,YES I AM!" *Well as you might of heard he was getting surgery I came here to tell you he's ok but he had some injuries that would of possibly killed him luckily he survived* "C-can I see him?" *Im sorry you can't it would damage your leg* "please" *Later he's asleep right now a doctor will pick you up once he's awake* I was relieved the doctor left I was on the floor I couldn't pick myself up I was tired...

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