The end?

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I didn't die just there I heard police sirens and parappa screaming my name and shouting but then everything stopped next thing I knew I was once again in the hospital this time was different no one was there next to me I got up and the door was locked I opened the window I sneaked out hospitals are boring I tried to find parappa donut shop,blossom tree,my house, school, and at last his house I knocked and parappa opened the door...he tried to hug me but I pushed him off "how could you cheat on me you didn't just kiss pj you had sex with him...?!" *matt in sorry I..I..he drugged me!* "..." i walked off I felt empty...parappa was tugging my shirt but I felt like everything was a lie I...I pushed parappa off and ran I ran and ran...months past I haven't seen parappa I moved to another house...I was at the donut shop I was there everyday parappa never left my mind it probably was like a year since I last saw him then...he walked in parappa! He was here! I hid myself how'd he find me? I notice he sat next to me I don't think he knew it was me I got up and walked out he followed behind me then *HEY I KNOW YOU SAW ME DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN..!* "...parappa I'm sorry.." I ran off again but this time he was fast he caught me and got on top of me *stop running away...* I I started crying I I wanted to dance with him I never had the chance to do so...*please..* I got up he hugged me tight "parappa...can you dance with me.." *what question is that?! You know I'm gonna dance* we did it I was so happy at last we were happy I was happy then we got together and hold on tight...The end

The end

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