Finale- part three

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"What did he think I was going to do while he's out there talking?" Lola muttered to herself as she washed her hands in the bathroom.

However, Lola's drugged brain didn't have to exert much activity to answer that question. For the answer was the same as always... she's going to have another cigarette!

Lola was so pleased with her plan that she didn't even turn off the water in the sink, climbed up onto the high tiled windowsill at the end of the bathroom and pulled a bag of weed from under her pink sweater, which she tucked deep under her bra to keep it safe from Arnošt.

Then, with a few deft movements, she rolled herself a thick marijuana cigarette, lit it, and began to passionately draw from it that intoxicating smoke which, sad as it was, was the only thing that made her happy in this world.

When at last she felt in her mind that longed-for relief which came whenever she smoked all her cares out of her head in this way, she leaned relaxed against the damp plaster wall beside the window and exhaled blissfully.

This was paradise...

Except she wasn't drugged enough yet to realize that someone would be coming to quickly remove her from this paradise if the smell of marijuana reached the hallway.

So, to ventilate the evidence of her transgression, Lola opened one of the wide windows she was sitting next to.

Immediately the insistent bustle of the street permeated the tenth floor ladies' room. It was like turning on the radio and being met with sounds you hadn't heard a moment ago through the thick layer of glass.

Sparrows chirped on the roof of the building, just a few meters above Lola's head, a bus honked somewhere in the distance, police sirens sounded quite close by, a tram screeched somewhere, and from time to time human voices could be heard in the bustle.

But in all its bustle, the city symphony was in a way beautiful and full of peace.

What a beautiful summer day it was...

But the world was only beautiful for a few seconds, and then there were loud footsteps of heavy work boots in the corridor outside the toilets, and someone knocked on the toilet door, saying: "This is the police of the Czech Republic, open the door."

"Shit..." cursed Lola, almost choking on the joint she was still clutching very passionately between her lips.

She had no idea why the police had to enter the ladies room, it probably wasn't to arrest her, but she was sure that when they found her in here with an illicit amount of marijuana in her bra, they would be happy to add her arrest to their schedule.

So Lola put her unsmoked joint on the windowsill (she didn't need to get rid of that, the amount in that cigarette was still under the limit and she wasn't going to waste good weed, was she?) and leaned over to the open window to shake the little plastic bag full of weed out of her bra.

Propping herself up on one arm, she squatted on her knees at the window, which had a ten-story chasm below it, and tried to pry the damn plastic bag out of the grip of her full breasts with her other hand.

But Lola was up against a very strong alliance of the adverse factors of stress, time pressure, sweaty skin, and of course drug-impaired motor skills.

But Lola had a great motivation for staying out of prison, that the drugs sold behind bars were rarely as good as those in the free world, so she didn't give up and kept fighting.

She ran her hand as far up her cleavage as she could while leaning further out the window... a lethal combination for a drug-addled girl who, at this point, would be thrown off balance by a breeze caused by the flapping of butterfly wings.

And in that precarious position, there Lola was, balancing on the edge of the windowsill, when a police officer burst into the room.

Lola instinctively jerked her head towards the intruder... and that was the end of it.

Lola's hand that she had been using to hold herself up on the windowsill slipped as well, and she fell out the window with a surprised yelp.

The policeman who had entered the room really had no idea that something so bizarrely tragic was in store for him when he was tasked with evacuating all the people on the tenth floor.

So he just stared open-mouthed at the empty room, where all that was left of Lola was an unsmoked joint and an uncapped sink faucet.

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