0.1 ode to sleep

839 20 1

melody's pov

The day has come. I'm finally going to see one of my favorite bands. It's night 1/2. [it's one of the two shows she's attending] It's around 1:30 p.m and I have to be there early if I want a good spot. The cold breeze and possible snow was not going to stop me.

"Mom! I'm ready, let's go!!" I call out to my mother as I finish winging my eyeliner. "I don't understand why you're going so early, please be careful over there.." she sighed. My mother dreaded my concert days. Her brother, my uncle, once went to go see this hardcore rock band everyone enjoyed in the 80's and he never returned home that night. 11 people died and lots injured. Pretty senseless, I always thought. "Mom, I promise, I'll be careful." I assured her with a smile.

The drive to the venue was full of anticipation. I got dropped off and soon approached the clique waiting outside; making new friends was a new thing for me, especially making them so quickly.

[casually fast forwards to the end of the show]

It is now around 12:30 a.m. I begin to walk around the venue and praise that not an inch of snow has fallen yet. I get to the back of the venue and my heart races as I see Josh going into a tour bus. I instinctively yell, "JOSH!" Oh my goodness, why did I do that? He turns around right before getting inside and waves. I turned around to see anyone around me, there wasn't. How odd. I assumed there would be girls out here trying to at least catch a glimpse of the duo. I jogged towards the bus and greeted Josh with a smile.

"I'm so glad I caught you before you left!"

"Yeah! It's really nice to meet you. It's kinda freezing out here. Wanna maybe join us inside?"


Josh sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I accepted the invitation and sat down. He chuckled to ease the silence in the air. I couldn't and did not speak until I wondered, "Where's Tyler?" "He's laying down in the back, if you want I can go get hi-" "No, no, no. it's fine." I cut him off not wanting him to get out of bed, I understood he was exhausted.

"Well, how are you? What's your name?" "Melody. I'm doing absolutely great now that this has happened." I feel myself getting red as Josh stares at me. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he responded with a sweet smile.

We both had about a half hour conversation about how an apocalypse would go down. Not even sure how the conversation came about. We both laughed and agreed with all sorts of theories. It was nice talking about anything and everything with someone I felt comfortable with. Even though I had just met Josh, it felt like we've known each other for a long while.

"Well, well, well, what's going on here?" Tyler appeared from the back room. I laughed and awkwardly smiled at him, followed by a small wave. "Hey, there's our favorite guy." Josh chuckles. My phone buzzes, it's mom. "Crap." I quickly got up. "What's wrong?" The two guys responded in sync. "It's my mom. She's in the front waiting for me." I let out a sigh. I hug both of them goodbye. Before I leave Josh grabs my hand and turns me for one more hug, "You're going to the show tomorrow right?" I nod and he smiles.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything."


yeh. hello, friends. this is my first published fanfic that i am extremely excited about. i don't know, the beginning is a process but i promise it'll get realllllly great soon.

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