0.5 car radio

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"No, Mel, I saw- I saw you die tonight."

Tonight, everything was going fairly okay, considering Josh had saved Melody from her death and everyone was fine, now. But, Josh was absolutely losing it by this point. Questions consuming his mind. What if he had never reacted upon it fast enough? Josh was crying in Melody's shoulders. She had never came across the supernatural before which is why it seemed so unbelievable at first. Melody grabbed Josh's head from her shoulder and looked him in the eyes. She smiled at him and wiped his eyes as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Josh, I believe you, I believe you, I believe you."

Melody leaned in for a hug, digging her head in his neck. I'm still alive because of this pink haired friend.

Time went and it was around midnight. This night, Melody's mom never came home from work. She had always trusted Melody to drive safely to and from concerts herself, which her dad helped convince her mom before he passed from cancer two years ago. She'd occasionally give the car to her and she'd get a ride with one of her co-workers. It was passed midnight, which was around the time she'd arrived home. Josh stayed with Melody has she waited for her mother to return.

"Maybe she's at her friends, just hanging out?" Josh carefully chose his words to try and put Melody's mind at ease.

"Yeah, you're probably right..." she sighed. She tried texting her but no luck. "Josh, do you maybe have to go soon?" She didn't want him to feel bored just waiting for her mom to come back but most of all, she felt like a burden.

"I'm staying with you for as long as you need me to. Come on, let's watch some tv or something."

Just then, Melody's phone rang. She gasped at the sound but silenced when she didn't recognize the number. She answered it, hoping it was one of her mother's friends.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Yes, hello? Is this Melody Matthews?"

"Yes, this is she. Who is this?" she smiled but was anxious to see who was calling.

"Hi, This is Grace Fisher. I'm a nurse here at Memorial Hospital. I had gotten ahold of your uncle, Chris Tyler, to notify you that your mother, Alice Matthews, is in stable condition and is able to go home in about a week. He was not answering but I assumed you have information on what happened tonight, do you not?"

"My mo- My mom is what?" she responded in complete shock.

"She arrived earlier, she was returning home earlier due to an accident at work with a co-worker and the driver lost full control of the vehicle. Your mother is very lucky to be alive."

She looked at Josh with her mouth open but covered by her hand. Josh replied with a worried look on his face.

"I'm- I'm on my way."

Melody hung up the phone.

"Josh, my mom. She's in the hospital." she said as more tears fell.

Josh hugged her tightly before letting go and grabbing her hand. Pulling her to the front door, Melody grabbed her keys and off they went.

When they arrived to the hospital, Melody went to sign in as a visitor and she was allowed along with Josh. They entered her room, room 598.

"Knock, knock." Melody managed to say the words her mother would here when she entered rooms.

"My sweet Mel." Alice half-smiled as her eyes began to water. "I'm so sorry."

"No, mom. I'm sorry... I love you. I'm so glad you're okay." but Melody instantly felt regret. She should've never planned to go to the concert. Her mom should've drove home in peace. She shouldn't be in here.

Melody grabbed her hand as her mother told her the story of what had put her in the white pale room. There was a small fire at work which lead to become a huge one in a matter of seconds. They called 911 and she had asked her friend, Janice for a ride. Janice was texting her daughter that she was okay when she lost full control. She told Mel that they almost killed a young couple by her favorite coffee shop right before her boyfriend swooped in and saved her. Mel sighed and just couldn't believe what had happened.

Alice had then asked her about the pink haired boy standing in her room.

Melody slightly chuckled introducing Josh.

"Mom, this is my friend, Josh. He's in that band, I had planned to go see."


"Hello there. I'm Josh, as Melody said. It's very nice to meet you." Josh said smiling as he gently shook Alice's hand.

"Well, hello." she smiled in response. "Mel, how do you always meet these good looking band members? When I get out of here, we need to go see my old bands and you're gonna get me to meet them." she whispered but loud enough for Josh to hear.

Mel's face was tomato red as Josh laughed.

Suddenly, Mel's mom was talking about something but her words didn't seem like words, much like garbled sounds. Then, her full body began to uncontrollably shake. Aggressively. She knew what this was, acted fast, and called the nurses. It was a seizure.

And then, I heard her. Her head and bed post collided, creating a loud bang. She hit her head so hard which caused internal bleeding, which the medical team didn't act fast upon, causing her death.

"cause somebody stole

my car radio

and now i just sit in silence"


wowza. i'm sorry, i never got to update! i didn't plan anything to do but it just gradually became a busy weekend. i hope you enjoyed but like i'm so sad bc mel just lost her everything and goSH WHY DID I DO THIS?

alsoo, i want to know your favorite song from Blurryface and if you got your tickets for the tour this fall! :-)
stay rad, friends!!

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