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"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey motherfucker, we're running Nacho Libre late-" 


I have found that I might literally be falling in love for the first time. With school obviously. School makes me so happy it's unbelievable. Since Mrs.Jones enrolled me at NorthEast High I have been in total bliss. I even made a friend! He's an Asian boy in the grade below me that takes chemistry with me since he's smart as shit. His real name is hard to pronounce so he goes by Jamie. I swear he's the only reason I'm passing that class with a C.

The only problem I've had this past week is waking up. In order to show up for school on time, Keaton and I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn due to us living so far out in the middle of nowhere. 

"10 more minutes Keaton please I'm begging you," I whined into my pillow, pulling my blanket over my head to keep out the light coming in from the window he just opened.

"Nope." He deadpanned, popping the p. I shook my head into the pillow dreading the cold air outside the comfort of my covering. My ears could somewhat make out the sounds of doors opening and feet shuffling around the bedroom. The comforters and pillows slowly drew me back into a deep sleep, claiming me as one of their own along with the darkness engulfing my vision. My consciousness went in and out, welcoming the imitation of night and light snoring that calmly willed itself over me. 

Suddenly my bed dipped next to me, a bigger form making an Umph sound as the squeaky bed settled. My body rattled for a second before the clogged air in my throat released its grip allowing me to breathe again, recognizing who was causing the dip. 

"Andreeeww." Keaton purred into my ear through the sheets, his body slightly leaning on mine with an arm draped across my back. I could feel the blood begin rushing to my face at our proximity but ignored it. Pushing my face as far into the pillow as possible, I hoped the coolness of the cloth would soothe the heat blossoming across my features like venom spreading through blood. "Come on Tiger we gotta go learn something and all that good shit."

I scoffed at his reasons to leave my blanket made heaven but shook him off, popping my head out from under the blanket to see his heart-stopping smile so close. The curvature of his facial features now prominent, as well as the subtle happy glisten in his green forest eyes. I grabbed one of my pillows and hit him in the face, walking towards the bathroom in nothing but my pajamas and the wrap concealing my midsection, shaking my head.

It's too early for that shit.

In the mirror, I could see just what his smile did to me. It almost looked like a tomato shit on my face and forgot to excuse itself.

"Andrew hurry up were really going to be late!" He hollered from the bedroom. 

"I'm going gosh so pushy." I hastily brushed my teeth and put some water through my hair, throwing on some appropriate clothing and pulling fresh bandages out for Keaton to help me with. "Keaton hurry up."

Keaton's face contorted into disbelief at my sudden demand as he struggled to tie his shoes. Shaking his head, he tucked the laces into the lips of his Nikes and took the bandages from my hold. I turned around before pulling up my shirt for him to rub the cream the doctor prescribed. My bruises have slowly faded over time, a few adamant to stay but otherwise, I've never felt physically better.

Keaton's calloused fingers brushed my skin being sure to gently apply the cream where my bruises looked worst, before placing the wrap all the way around my waist and lower back. Pulling my shirt down, I turned to mumble a hasty thank you and grabbed my backpack before heading out to the kitchen where I could smell breakfast being made and toddlers giggling. 

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