First day on the job

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You woke up face down on your pillow,groggy and tired. You shook your head to wake up,what woke you up was an alarm you swore you didn't set. Heavy metal started blaring from your phone but you didn't mind,if anything you started to jam out. You looked at the time and it read 6:45 A.M. In the mist of all of this you didn't realize you had a text from an unknown number. You read it and was quite confused.

???:If your dumbass is up don't take long,im outside waiting.

Scratching your head in confusion you typed back.

Y/N:Yeah,and who the hell is this and how did you get my number?

The person on the other end took a while to respond and when they did you finally realized who it was.

Loona:Its Loona dumbass. When you were asking me those questions and writing shit in your notebook,I seen your phone was on my nightstand so I sneckly put my number in. Now if you want a ride don't take too long,my patience is running thin.

Y/N:Uh huh,and how in hells name did you find out where I lived?

Loona:The note you left for blitz,you said you didn't live far so you walked home. And your scent is what helped me find this fucking building. Now get your ass out here before all of my patience runs out and you'll have to walk to work.

You get up,grab all the things you need in a duffle bag and not wanting to pass up a free ride you hurry your ass to outside. You looked around to see if you could locate Loona's vehicle but it only took one honk of the horn for you to find which one was her's. She pokes her head out the window.


At this point your slow walk around turned into a full on sprint. You opened the car door and throw the duffle bag in the back seat and you sit down in the front. You look around to see that some empty bottles of beer are on the car floor. But besides from that,you didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Loona:The hell is in that bag?

You turn to face loona.

Y/N:Its just some stuff ill need.

Loona:Some stuff? That thing is filled to the brim.

Y/N:You'll see what it is. If you care to see that is.

Loona glanced at you with a blank look. And sighed,she turned on the car and heavy metal started to blast through the car. As the trip to I.M.P went on you bobbed your head to the music,sometimes mouthing the lyrics of the song. About thirty minutes has passed and Loona parks the car in a parking garage. She turns off the car which makes the heavy metal stop too.

Y/N:Aw,well that was fun.

You turned to grab your bag but noticed it was gone. You looked back up and seem that Loona had it in her hands,she was looking through it.

Y/N:Hey,what the hell are you doing?

Loona:Beakers,tubing,chemicals,heating pads. The fuck are you doing with all of this?

Y/N:Its to produce the toxin,now give it back!

Saying this,your syringes om your gauntlet extended out. You designed it so that if you were feeling threatened they would extend. They could also retract but you prefer to have them out. Loona took note of this and zipped the bag back up. And passed it to you. You caught it,threw it over your shoulder and exited the car.

Loona:Don't you fucking think I did this because I wanted to. Blitz made me do it as a "thank you" thing.

You just nodded your head and you both walked into the building to see Moxxie and Blitz fighting.

A hellhound's fear. (Loona X Male Reader) (OLD VARIATION)Where stories live. Discover now