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You are a straight A student but ever since the battle of hogwarts you have been startingv to fail school. You have been getting really stressed over it, you started thinking you we're worthlessand had no purpose in life. Your so called best friend Hermione didn't want to be your friend becauses you started failing. When Hermione left you, you became more upset and really hated yourself. You stopped coming to class because you didn't want to see anyone.

"Ugh! where is that stupid mudblood?!" Draco says biteing into his apple. Draco is one of the bullies you have, he also part of the reason you are staying away from school. You used to be able to ignore him but ever since you have been stressed you couldn't ignore him anymore. "Idk but she hasn;t been coming to class for the last couple of days." Draco's 'best friend' Goyle says. "Yeah my words are probably scaring her away." Draco laughs a little. The rest of his gang laughs. "Okay let's go to class now I don't want another detention." Draco said "Okay let's go." Crabbe said walking to class, Goyle, and Draco follow.

You are sitting in a closet sobbing. When Draco is waking past you he hears crying and stops at the door. He knocks on the door not knowing who is in there. You don't say anything you just continue sobbing. Draco opens the door and sees you sitting on the floor with your head in you knees. "Y/N?" Draco says looking at you raising an eyebrow. You realize that Draco walked in the closet so you wipw your tears and look up fast. "G-go away Draco!" You say standing up quickly. "Oh hush mudblood, I was just wondering why a nerd like you is here crying instead of being in class and being a bookworm." Draco said rolling his eyes "Oh shut up Malfoy the only reason you want me to be in class is because you want to make fun of me and i'm not crying now go away!" You say trying not to cry. "no, i'm not going away until you tell me why you we're crying." Draco said walking to you m0ving a piece of your hair that was in your face behind your ear. When Draco moves your hair you get butterflies all in your stomach and blush a little. "I-i'm not telling you m-malfoy." "So you admit that you were crying?"

Draco looks at you and stares into your eyes. You stare back and instantly burst into tears. "Y-Y/N!" Draco pulls you into a tight hug and rubs your back conforting you. "You can talk to me y/n I promise I will listen and try the best I can to make you feel better." Draco says. "I-Idk if I can trust you Draco." You say. Draco instantly feels bad because he has been such a bully to you and he thinks he is part of the reason you are crying. "I-i'm so sorry for everything I did and said about you y/n,," Draco says trying not to let his tears come out. "Why woild you care Malfoy?" You say pulling out of his hug.

"Because,, I never wanted to hurt you, it was never my intention."Draco says looking at his fingers and plays with his rings. "I- idk what to say Malfoy, if you never wanted to bully me you never would have.." "My dad, Crabbe, and Goyle we're making me bully you because you we're raised in a muggle family and you aren't a pureblood like me so they wanted me to make you my enemy. I have always have liked you, I mean look at you your pretty, smart, funny, and caring." Draco looks into your eyes and you can tell he is going to cry if you don't belive him. "Oh Draco.. i'm so sorry they made you do this." You pull Draco into a tight hug and he instantly "Well Malfoy, I heard you say you like me, am I correct?" "Well yes you heard me correctly." Draco looks at you and smiles slighty. "I like you to Draco!" "Wait.. Really!?" "Yes ofc I do iv'e been liked you." "Okay well want to be my gf y/n?" "yes!!" You say jumping on him. "awesome!" Draco says and then pulls you into a kiss. You kiss back andd at this point your not even sad anymore Draco made you happier.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to publish this but I have been really
busy and not able to work on this story but
I hope you like this story bye now

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