The secret

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This story does have a trigger warning! It does include smoking and vaping just to be happy and strong language(cursing)! If you don't like it skip! But if you stay enjoy. Also this is a request from @Urfsvglader hope they like it!

Y/n's POV:
I was sitting in the bathroom crying, why is my life so miserable? I can never be happy! I mean Draco makes me happy but when he's not around I'm upset. My life is just miserable..

   I reach for my vape and starts smoking. It's my only way to escape the pain. Draco doesn't know about me vaping and I plan to keep it that way. I've been doing it for months now and me and Draco have been together for almost two years. If he were to find out he would be so mad and probably loose his trust with me.. I take another inhale of the vape but right after I hear the bathroom door open. I blow out the smoke quickly but the person sees it..

"Hello? What was that?" The girl said looking in my direction. It was Astoria.. my biggest enemy! I stayed quiet hoping she'd go away but she didn't.. she walked closer to me. My heart started racing.. "hello, I know someone is in here just come out." She gets to my stall and knocks. I start shaking causing me to drop my vape and gasp. She must've recognized my gasp because she called my name. "Y/n? What are you doing in here with a vape, we're you smoking?! Omg wait until Draco hears about this!!!" Before I even get a chance to stop her she's out of the bathroom.

"Fuck!" I scream out loud. What am I going to do?! Draco can't figure this out!! I run out of the bathroom leaving my vape behind hoping I can find Draco before Astoria.

Draco's POV:
I wonder where y/n is.. she hasn't been to class for two periods straight. I hope she's okay.

I walk out of class and look around for her. I just finished the last class of the day, me and y/n were supposed to go out tonight so h really wanna find her soon. I see Astoria run up to me. She's constantly trying to get with me even tho I have i gf. I hate her!

"Draco!! You have got to listen to me! I'm not lying I saw it with my own eyes!!" Astoria runs to me panting

"What Astoria? I really don't have time for this! I'm trying to find y/n!" I try to walk away but she stops me.

"Y/n was in the bathroom vaping Draco! I just went in there to wash my hands and I saw her! I know I had to tell you so I came find you!" She starts panting again due to her talking so fast. There's no way my y/n would do that! If so she would've told me..

"Yeah right Astoria, y/n would never d-" Astoria stops my sentence

"I SAW her Draco! It was a black and red vape and I saw the smoke blow out! You have to believe me!" My heart stopped, y/n was really vaping? Why didn't she tell me?!

Y/n's POV:

As soon as I find Draco it is to late.. Draco already knows, Astoria told him everything.. I try to get away but Draco notices me.

"Y/N!!!!!" Draco yells and walks to me. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. "What is wrong with you?! Why would you vape and not tell me!!! Do you know how dangerous that is?! You can DIE Y/n!!!! I thought we had trust with each other! We tell each other everything!!! Why the fuck would you not tell me?! I can't believe you!!" He screams in my face causing me to tear up. I go to speak but he cuts me off again by saying two words that shatter my heart. "We're over!I can't believe you would keep this from me!!" He goes to walk away leaving me there crying..

Astoria just stands in the background laughing, I run to my dorm and lock my self in there. I hate myself for this.. I should've told Draco! I messed up everything.. I lay on my bed and cry eventually falling into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~few hours later~~~~~~~

Draco's POV:

I'm currently sitting in my dorm, thankfully I'm alone since I am the prefect. I stare at the wall lost in my thought. Maybe I was to harsh on y/n.. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that.. I feel so bad. Maybe I should go talk to her..

I stand up from the couch and grab my sweatshirt. I go to the kitchen and grab all of y/n's favorite snacks. She left them here last week when we had our movie night. God I miss her already.

I walk out of my dorm and straight to y/n's dorm. I hope she's okay right now.. I knock on her door but no response. Luckily I know her code. I put the code in and open the door. It's quiet.... A little to quiet.. I look around for a little trying to look for my sweet y/n. I go into her room and instantly see her sleeping peacefully. I put her snacks down and lay in her bed next to her. I pull her close and text her head on my chest.

She's so adorable I can't believe my darling was vaping.. I wasn't there to help her. Maybe I'm not that good of a boyfriend maybe it's my fault she's vaping. I snap out of my thoughts when I get a text. I pull out my phone and read:
Astoria: hey Draco 😉 I'm sorry y/n was vaping but I don't do any of that you should come to my dorm I'm waiting for you maybe we can have some fun 😘
Draco: go away Astoria! I don't want you, your a bitch
Astoria: oh come on baby pleaseeeee 🥺
Draco: no!
I put my phone away and focus back on y/n. She starts moving and slowly opens her eyes. She's awake

Y/n's pov:
When I woke up I see Draco, i smile at him completely forgetting what just happens and then it hits me.. my smile fades and I sit up. "What are you doing here??" I look at him dead in the eyes.
"I came to apologize y/n I completely overreacted, i shouldn't have yelled I'm so sorry y/n, please forgive me." He showed hurt in his eyes o had to forgive him.
"It's okay Draco just please don't do it again.."
"I won't don't worry! Now please tell me why you are vaping."
"It's Astoria.. she's constantly making me feel pathetic! I couldn't handle it anymore so I went to vaping. It's helped me heal so I use it. I wanted to tell you but i knew you'd be mad at me.. I'm so sorry Draco I messed up the trust between me and you." I start crying again.
"Oh y/n! I'm so sorry! Astoria is just a pathetic little bitch who is jealous of you." Draco pulls me into a hug making me feel safe and warm. I hug back. "Oh and y/n we aren't over I was just upset at the time I really love you, can you please be mine again.."
"Ofc! I love you to Draco!" I kiss his cheek still hugging him.
"Promise me you'll try and stop y/n.." he breaks the hug and looks into my eyes.
"Yes Draco.. I will try." I smile looking at him in the eyes as well.

"I brought your favorite snacks and we can watch a movie tonight and cuddle!" Draco gets up and grabs the snacks. I smile
"YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I can't wait!!!"

Me and Draco cuddle, eat, and watch movies for the rest of the night. I'm so glad to have him back!
A/n: I hope this was good!!! I really like this, remember smoking is bad and it can kill you! don't it please.. no matter what anyone says! Bye nowwwww 💚

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