What its like when you two have sex

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(Definitely contains sexual content so if you don't like skippppp ✨✨✨✨✨)

- definitely him being dominant
- he always makes you cum more than once!
- he gives you the best aftercare possible (giving you bath, feeding you, cuddling you, telling you sweet things, etc.)
- can't wait to do it again soon when your better
- he always makes sure your okay after the rough sex
- has a kink for you calling him daddy (i have mixed feelings about that)
- he pleases you when you beg for it
- you and him both go on for hours and hours!

Okay that was my imagine because I don't know what else to write, I need ideas guys like really bad.. 😃 anyway thank you for almost 400 reads! And I also realized my story was on completed but it's not so don't think it is!

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