Part 1

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Wings Eclipsing Night
Part 1: Beneath A Shattered Fountain
by KC

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry, Draco and all the rest; they'd do a lot more stuff than they do in the books and it'd all be rated R through X. Alas, however, I do not.
Summary: After the final battle against Voldemort, Harry searches the ruins of the Ministry and discovers a lone survivor.
Other info: Post-HBP, dark!Harry, veela!Draco. Yes, there is sexxors in here, but not that much.

In the crumbling remains of the Ministry, deep in its underground floors, Harry heard broken sobs echoing through the wreckage. Taking the chance that the cracked marble floor could hold his weight, he chose the corridor in front of him and started walking, depending solely on his wand for light.

Huge chunks of the ceiling lay on the floor with more pieces occasionally breaking off around him. Decimated by the war, the upper levels of the Ministry building blazed out of control despite the muggles working hard at putting out the fires, while Harry wandered down here on the lower floors where the fighting had taken place, looking for survivors. He doubted he'd find anyone and both Ron and Hermione had told him not to come when the whole building could come crashing down at any moment, but several Death Eaters were still missing, among them Bellatrix Lestrange.

The sound of trickling water joined the crying as he walked closer. At the far end of the hallway, after climbing over huge slabs of broken marble that had jutted up from the floor, he gazed at the smashed remains of the Ministry's fountain. The centaur's human part stood cracked in half and a spell had melted the wizard into a lump as low as the jagged remains of the elf. Water spurted weakly at odd angles from the bent spouts, drenching the floor, the rubble, and the many bodies surrounding the fountain.

Torn robes and splayed limbs revealed the dark mark on every corpse. He wondered who had killed them and flicked his wand at each, turning them over to see their faces. Most of them he didn't recognize, but he breathed in slightly when he found Bellatrix. It was hard to recognize her face with half of it burned off and one eye missing, but she must have been caught by surprise because her mouth was still twisted in that familiar sneer. He knelt and stared, a little weight lifting from his shoulders. Even if he couldn't have the pleasure of killing her, here at least was the satisfaction of staring down at her bloody corpse.

The sobs suddenly grew quiet, as if the person crying had realized that someone else was here and didn't want to be found. Harry stood up and held his wand high, turning the hall as bright as day for a moment. His eyes widened as he spotted an angel fallen at the base of the fountain, lying in a puddle as cold water sprayed over him.

After a second glance, he realized it wasn't an angel, but whoever it was had wings set in the middle of his back, the feathers dirty and streaked with mud. Whether his robes had been torn off or if he simply couldn't wear a shirt because of those wings, Harry wasn't sure. Face down with his head buried in his arms, the angel curled up and extended a wing over his shoulder and head, trying to hide. Harry stood entranced for a moment, watching the bones move under the skin and wet feathers.

There was no blood on him, so Harry wondered why he was still on the floor. As he walked around, stepping into the cool spray, he winced to see the heavy stone pinning one wing to the floor.

Probably landed on him after the fight, he thought, looking at the bare white arms without a skull and snake, just a painful scar on the left arm. Scratches lined his shoulders and stomach, all a few days old. From this angle, he could see his white hair and the pale, pointed face that had mocked him for six years.


No answer but the choked sobs grew thicker even though Draco tried to hide them. Harry aimed his wand at the boulder on Draco's wing and levitated it several feet into the air, tossing it aside once it was clear. Immediately the freed wing gave a feeble flap and Draco couldn't help looking at it and touching it gingerly with one hand. Acting on reflex, the other wing relaxed and pulled back, and Harry had an unblocked view of his drenched body. Torn and bloody, his black pants were soaked and skin tight. Harry swallowed once.

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