Part 2

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Wings Eclipsing Night
Part 2: Angel on a Leash
by KC

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry, Draco and all the rest; they'd do a lot more stuff than they do in the books and it'd all be rated R through X. Alas, however, I do not.
Other info: Post-HBP, dark!Harry, veela!Draco. Yes, there is sexxors in here, but not that much.

Harry set Draco down on the floor of what used to be the Hogwarts' prefects bathroom but was now his personal bathing pool. At first Draco did not recognize it. The mermaid's window lay in pieces on the floor and dark black scorch marks covered the walls. Someone had fought for his life here, he thought.

One by one, Harry turned several faucets on, filling the large tub with water and adding different colored bubbles. Draco watched him bend over each faucet, his green eyes lighting up as he played with the settings. For someone who had slaughtered his enemies, Harry looked like a child at Christmas. But then Harry turned and looked at him, and Draco felt the same wave of fear he had when he first stared up at him while helpless under the Ministry's broken fountain.

"Come on," he said, holding one hand out. "Let's get that mud off you."

The command was gentle and kind, but Draco recognized it as a command all the same. With a small nod, he crawled the short distance towards Harry and took his hand, slipping into the pool with him. The warm water came up to his chest and as the chill left his body, his wings relaxed and drooped down below the water. He groaned and lowered his head.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked, pausing as he grabbed some soap.

Draco nodded and kept his eyes on the water in front of him. "My hurts to move them but the water feels good."

"Oh, that's right." Harry slowly made his way around and behind him, brushing his fingers over the wet feathers. "This one was crushed under a rock. Can you move it?"

The water rippled as Draco lifted his wings halfway out of the water. Harry ran his hand over the hurt wing, his fingers following the contours of the slender bones. The wing shuddered and stilled in his hand as it became used to his touch.

"It''s not bleeding, is it?" Draco asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"No, it's fine. You just lost a few feathers here." Harry smiled and ran a finger between Draco's shoulder blades. "Can you reach your wings?"

"No. Just the tips. They're too far back for me--" He winced and pushed his hands to his mouth as Harry grasped one of them firmly and held it still.

"Then I guess I'll have to wash them for you," he said.

Draco tried to glimpse him behind his back, but he couldn't crane his neck far enough and what he could see was blocked by the edge of his wing. With his hands still up against his mouth, he closed his eyes and hissed slightly as Harry rinsed the mud and dirty fountain water from his feathers, gently kneading the thin muscles as they trembled.

"Can you fly with these?" Harry asked. "They seem so fragile."

"I can't," Draco whispered. "They're too weak."

"So you only look like an angel," Harry said with a smile. "Good. Then I don't have to clip them."

"'Clip'?" Draco turned so suddenly that his wing slid out of Harry's grip. As he backed away a step, he was startled to see that he stood a few inches over Harry. The Boy Who Lived projected a much bigger presence than his real height.

"Yes, clip," Harry said. His smile didn't diminish but it turned cold. "You belong to me. You think I'd give you a chance to fly away?"

"But...but..." Draco backed away, slipping unsteadily. "I wouldn't--" He stumbled into the water, struggling to keep his head up as he floundered. A moment later he felt the pool's edge against his back and stopped, cringing as Harry came closer.

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