Part 8

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Wings Eclipsing Night
Part 8: Rare Reward
by KC

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry, Draco and all the rest; they'd do a lot more stuff than they do in the books and it'd all be rated R through X. Alas, however, I do not.
Other info: Post-HBP, dark!Harry, veela!Draco.
Summary: A quiet evening as Harry's paranoia becomes routine.

Rare Reward

For the next few days, Draco spent most of his time either in bed with his master or locked up. Each morning, Harry kissed him and used him, then escorted him across the room, helping him step inside the golden cage and going so far as to hold his hand as he turned and sat down on the cushions. Unlike before, Harry didn't leave the cage open, trusting only in Draco's submission to keep him inside. Now a heavy padlock sealed the door. Draco knew better than to complain, but he often rested his head against the bars and wished he was on the floor at his master's feet.

He knew why he was locked safely away, of course. Harry was afraid that his family might try to spirit him out of the castle, or worse, Draco might try to escape and join them himself. His chains were kept short, his wrists locked barely an inch from his throat, and he was never out of Harry's grip. He wasn't allowed to work on maps anymore, and he wondered if Harry thought that his slave might plant false information about old ruins in some sort of escape attempt. Harry frequently examined his thoughts now, ransacking every stray thought like a paranoiac determined to find any hint of betrayal. Despite the fact that he never found anything beside love and fear, his distrust didn't ease. Draco wasn't even allowed to read to pass the time.

If nothing else, the confined space was helping train his wings to hold still, but because he was so anxious, they shuddered or flared with the slightest noise, often bumping against the bars.

The elf's pop by Harry's desk didn't startle him, however. He couldn't tell time today since thick clouds covered the sun, but the little clock on Harry's desk read noon. Around this time, an elf would bring them lunch. It was the only break in the day's monotony.

Without a word, the elf disappeared again, leaving behind a plate full of slices of apples, oranges and other fruit. Draco pressed against the cage and watched Harry pick up the plate and scoot his chair closer. Taking an apple slice between his fingers, Harry leaned over and raised the fruit to Draco's lips, feeding him through the bars.

As Draco ate, Harry reached into the cage and stroked his hair, brushing his fingers against his veela's cheek. Once Draco swallowed, he raised his head and waited patiently for another slice, closing his eyes as Harry's fingertips circled his lips. His master's hand slipped under his chin, trailing down to grasp his collar. Harry rarely pulled him by his chains, but he seemed fascinated by the steel contrasting with Draco's skin.

"They don't hurt, do they?" Harry asked, running his fingers along the inside the collar. The skin there wasn't even red.

Draco shook his head. "They're heavy, but they don't drag. These kind of chains were made so they wouldn't leave marks."

"Mm." Harry drew his hand back and took another slice of fruit. This time when Draco leaned forward, Harry touched the cool apple's edge against his veela's lip, leaving a moist trail along the edges of Draco's mouth before letting him have it. Draco's tongue licked at the tips of his fingers, curling slightly around them before turning his attention to eating again.

"So you could wear them forever?"

"I..." The sudden question made him choke. His wings fluttered and a few tiny down feathers fell to the floor. He looked up, hoping to see Harry smirking, amusing himself with Draco's emotions. But Harry looked serious.

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