Part 3

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Wings Eclipsing Night
Part 3: Wings Underfoot
by KC

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry, Draco and all the rest; they'd do a lot more stuff than they do in the books and it'd all be rated R through X. Alas, however, I do not.
Other info: Post-HBP, dark!Harry, veela!Draco. Yes, there is sexxors in here, but not that much.
Summary: third in my veela!Draco series as Harry disciplines Draco and the two meet Hermione.

As he followed Harry through Hogwarts, Draco stumbled several times, kept off balance by the chains locked around his hands and throat. With every step, the metal jingled like jewelry, deceptively light but as strong as any prison chain. Harry didn't help matters by using his chains as a leash, pulling Draco down the hall. He knew better than to complain, though. He never complained as Voldemort's plaything, preferring pain and possible death than the dark lord's attention and, though Harry seemed a far kinder master, Draco knew he had a frightening temper.

"I'll be keeping you with me at all times, but I don't want to have problems keeping you in line. I don't want to cast Imperio on you," Harry said sternly. "I like you better this way. But I'm not going to put up bars on the windows, so you better not try to run."

Draco quickly shook his head.

"You swear you can't fly?" Harry demanded.

"I swear," Draco said. "My wings are far too weak."

Pulling him closer, Harry touched one of his wings, following the fragile bone to the tip. "Fine. Maybe a spell that just keeps you trapped." Harry sighed. Finding a specific spell took research, which he hated, or asking Hermione, who would give him that look before going off onto a long explanation that he didn't want to hear.

As Harry frowned, Draco watched him carefully. He knew that look from the few times Voldemort appeared in the bedroom exasperated, something that happened more and more frequently as the war turned against him. Those days were the worst. If he was just angry, the dark lord took out his frustrations on his slave but at least his anger usually wore off quickly. When he couldn't figure out a particular problem, however, he whiled away long hours tormenting his toy, piecing together his solutions between Draco's screams and sobs and wracked breathing.

"You don't need a complicated spell," Draco said softly. "Just chain me to something, a wall, the floor."

His master slowly looked up at him. "Like a leash?" He let go of the chain and slipped his hand in Draco's, bringing it up so he could look over the manacle around his wrist. "You've already got chains here. Another one would get in the way."

"Put it around my ankle, then. There are several chains in the dungeons, aren't there?"

"Mm." With a kind smile, Harry kissed the back of his hand and looked back up at him. "And why are you so eager to help me lock you up? I would think you'd try to convince me to let you go."

A dozen pretty lies sprang into Draco's mind, flattering falsehoods to charm Harry into being gentle with him, but he discarded them in an instant. Lying to a dark lord who considered him nothing more than a noisy toy was one thing. Lying to Harry, who treated everything he said as potential lie, seemed suicidal.

"I do want you to trust me and take the chains off," he said, lowering his head. "But I don't want you angry, either. You might..." He let the sentence hang, realizing that calling attention to Harry's faults wasn't wise.

To his relief, Harry nodded once. "I might hurt you? Silly thing. I wouldn't hurt you for no reason. You're not a toy. You're more, like a pet that I need to housebreak. So if I hurt you, it's not because I'm angry but because you need disciplining."

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora