Part 5

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Wings Eclipsing Night
Part 5: Resilient Madness
by KC

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry, Draco and all the rest; they'd do a lot more stuff than they do in the books and it'd all be rated R through X. Alas, however, I do not.
Other info: Post-HBP, dark!Harry, veela!Draco.
Warnings: Violent rape contained in this chapter.
Summary: fifth chapter in my veela!Draco series as Harry and Draco deal with the results of Voldemort's death.

Draco woke up alone in bed, but from his pillow he spotted Harry working at his desk, bent over a stack of paper and open books. Sighing and pushing himself up on his knees, Draco yawned and rubbed his shoulders. The chains didn't hurt after sleeping on them, probably another of their magical characteristics, but the experiences of the past few days left him sore and weary.

"You all right?" Harry asked, glancing at him with a small smile.

"Better than usual," Draco said. "No nightmares."

"Good." He reached out and opened the bird cage door. "Come over here by me."

Draco nodded once and pushed the blanket off, remembering to crawl onto the floor and across the room, kissing Harry's hand before he crept into his cage. Harry didn't lock it behind him, just closed the door, but Draco knew better than to think of that door as anything but sealed tight. He settled on his bench, running his hand over the cushions placed there for him. The padded velvet took the edge off the wire seat and he wondered if his master had gone to the Room of Requirement just to find them.

"What are you reading?" Draco asked, curling his fingers around the bars as he leaned against his cage.

"Maps," Harry said with a heavy sigh. "I'm still learning where the muggle world ends and the wizarding world begins. Did you know that Long Man of Wilmington is a doorway to an underground castle?"

"The Castle of Wendel," Draco nodded.

Harry narrowed his eyes. "You know about that?"

"It's an old ruin now," Draco said. "People just use the hill drawing as a place to leave portkeys."

"How many places like that are there?"

"Depends. There are the ones the Ministry, knew about, and then there are the ones we dark wizards know about."

Carefully considering that, Harry looked back at the broad map of Britain. He tapped his fingers on it for a few seconds, then stood up and crossed over to the trapdoor. Pausing only long enough to levitate a lacy coverlet over Draco's cage, he disappeared out of the room without a word.

For a moment Draco didn't know what to do. His cage was unlocked but Harry hadn't said he could go or told him to follow. Besides, the cover was obviously there in case anyone came inside. He brushed the cloth with his fingers, easily seeing the room through the sheer white fabric. The thicker lacy swirls did nothing to block his view, so he wondered if perhaps it was spelled so that no one could see inside. He hoped so. Not only was he naked but he didn't see his outfit anywhere. He knew it was designed solely as a sex costume, but it was all he had.

Perhaps Harry had simply forgotten him. Or perhaps Harry wanted to see if he'd stay put while he was gone. Draco hoped he wouldn't be gone long and resigned himself to waiting, fingering the thin links of his chains. During the night Harry must have altered them because now his wrists were only a few inches apart and held close to his throat. It was a position best suited for crawling or holding onto his cage's bars.

The trap door opening again startled him and he whirled, afraid it would be a stranger, or worse, Ron or Hermione. To his relief, Harry came up and closed the door again, accio'ing the coverlet off his cage as he approached.

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