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Finn walked back over to the table, putting down the replenished bowl of chips that Haley immediately dug into before burying them in a giant heap of guacamole. She chuckled as she sat down and reached for her wine glass. Katie was off at an away match and would be gone until tomorrow, so for the first time in awhile, it was just the two best friends together.

"I seriously cannot believe that you finally stood up to your mum," Haley said, her mouth full. Finn just smiled and shrugged.

"Figured it was about time," she said with a sigh before taking a sip of her wine.

"The one time I don't go with you and I miss it, damn," Haley said. Finn rolled her eyes.

"You remember what happened the last time you were with me," she replied, staring at her.

"What? I wasn't that bad," Haley shouted.

"Pretty sure you threatened to kill her," Finn said, smirking. Haley pointed at her.

"I did not threaten to kill her... just told her to watch her back. There's a difference," she insisted. "How did Katie take it?"

"She did well. And was impressed," Finn replied. Haley looked down at the dip, her brow furrowed, then looked back up at Finn. "Oh, god, what is it this time?"

"Don't you ever get the feeling that... something's off with her?" Haley asked. Finn snorted.

"No, what could possibly be off? Besides, I thought you liked her," Finn replied.

"I do. And she's fun and all. Her friends as well - Alicia is hilarious, by the way. And Angelina's lovely, but... dunno, I just get this feeling there's something going on," Haley said. Finn raised an eyebrow at her. "Don't give me that look. My feelings are always right. You know this."

"They are not always right," Finn shot back. "Case in point, Katie. She's normal and wonderful and I like her. And she hasn't stolen anything yet." Haley looked towards the shut bedroom door and then back at Finn.

"Let's go through her room," she said, starting to stand.

"Fuck! No, Haley!" Finn shouted with a laugh. "We are not going through her things! And you're being absolutely ridiculous."

Haley sat down and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but you have to admit that there is something about her that's strange," she said, pouting slightly. "All of them."

"Haley, are you jealous? Because you know you'll always be my best friend," Finn said lightly.

"I'm not jealous!" Haley shouted. Finn just stared at her. "I know how hard the last year has been for you and... I don't want to see you get hurt again."

"Katie's not going to hurt me," Finn replied with a sigh.

"But you have to admit that I'm right on some level. I mean, how come she's always vague when she talks about her work?" Haley said. "Are we really sure that she works for a professional football team?"

"I've met her team," Finn retorted. "I don't think that's vague."

"Well, then... this boarding school they went to? Sure, they talk about it, but they get all wonky about it. And last time, I was talking to Angelina about school and she had the oddest look on her face when I went on about how I nearly failed trigonometry," Haley said.

"I get an odd look when anyone talks about trig," Finn said.

"Alright, Merlin. What's with that? They've all said it at some point," Haley pushed, a smug look on her face as though she finally had solid evidence that they were strange.

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